WATCH: The new Bawal Clan drop directed by Mark Nicdao

At Modeka last weekend, Bawal Clan threw a party to launch their new music video, directed by photographer to the stars Mark Nicdao. The music video combines two tracks, “Wuts Rly Gud” and “Palumpalo”.

Truth is I’m not quite the scholar of the boys’ oeuvre, but since it was Mark who invited to come out, I knew it could only be good.

According to Mark, the collab actually started with his keenness to shoot the Bawal Clan guys’ portraits. (“I thought, rappers who get along? That’s amazing!”) That conversation then led to directing this music video, which was shot in Botolan and Olongapo in Zambales.

Part black and white and part neon-light-saturated, the music video is at once cheeky and ominous.

Watch and listen to Bawal Clan’s Wuts Rly Gud/Palumpalo below. 

Bawal Clan - WUTS RLY GUD/PALUMPALO (Official Music Video)