How to know if you have met your soul mate

I have written many articles about soul mates since 1979, but there are still misconceptions about the subject. So, let’s set the record straight.

I think the first to use the word ‘’soul mate’’ was the American psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce, who in the 1930s defined it while in a deep trance.

Cayce was a Sunday school preacher in Kentucky who had limited education (he finished the equivalent of sixth grade). But when in a trance, he would discourse authoritatively on many topics, which he knew nothing about while in his waking state.

Cayce explained that soul mates “are two souls who, after a series of lifetimes together, become so close to each other that their destinies become intertwined.” They become two aspects of the same thing—like a “tongue to the groove” or “a tenon to the mortise.” They help each other in their soul evolution. A soul mate relationship is not just a romantic relationship, nor mainly a physical or emotional one. It has a high spiritual purpose. The idea of a soul mate—or two halves of the same thing—is as old as prehistory. The idea was first mentioned or alluded to by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in 425 BC. He described a time when demigods, composed of male and female beings in one body with two faces, became so strong and bold as to challenge the gods in Olympus.

To punish them, Zeus separated them to weaken them. As a result, they spent their whole life looking for the other half to make themselves whole again.

Reincarnation and karmaThe concept of soul mates implies belief in reincarnation and karma, because these are the bases for a soul mate encounter. It presupposes a series of lifetimes together in order to perfect themselves.

One does not become a soul mate to another in a single lifetime. One can have only one soul mate, but he or she can have several ‘’karmic partners’’ in one lifetime or several lifetimes. Soul mates may not be married to each other in a given lifetime, because each of them has to work out his or her karma with others. Once they have been resolved, then each can be with his or her soul mate lifetime after lifetime, for eternity.

How do we know if we have met our soul mate? I have enumerated five essential characteristics of a soul mate encounter in my book on soul mates. All of these must be present before one can call another a soul mate or a perfect partner:

1) Irresistible force. When it’s time for soul mates to meet, there’s nothing on earth that can prevent them from meeting, no matter where each may be located. They will surely meet. No social, moral, political, racial or religious barrier can set them apart.

2) Absolute certainty. In a soul mate encounter, one recognizes a soul mate on a soul level, not in an intellectual or emotional way. You are sure from the very depths of your being, though your mind or your heart may doubt it or even oppose it.

3) Relationship is total. Most of our relationships are not based on the totality of our being, but only on some aspects of it, such as physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. In a soul mate encounter, one relates to the other and is compatible in the totality of one’s being, namely the physical, etheric, emotional, lower mental, higher mental, intellectual and spiritual levels, with the spiritual being dominant. That’s why soul mate encounters are strong and irresistible.

4) Absence of guilt. A very strong attraction to the opposite sex can generate unwarranted feelings of guilt. But in a real soul mate encounter, there is absolutely no feeling of guilt at all.

5) Soul expanding. A soul mate helps you in your soul evolution. He or she is a helpmate of the soul in its arduous journey toward perfection. A soul mate feeds one’s spirit, not one’s ego, or emotions or intellect alone.

In my “Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation” seminar, I teach participants how to invoke a prayer to hasten one’s meeting with a perfect partner. It is so powerful, we are even tempted to guarantee it to work or money back refunded, if invoked in the correct and regular manner. INQThe next “Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation” seminar will be held Feb. 15, 1-7 p.m. Tel. 88107245, 0998-9886292; email