Why some people can see human aura but others can’t

There are two types of skeptics when it comes to the study of psychic and paranormal phenomena.

The first type will always deny the existence of such phenomena, because he has made up his mind that those things are impossible and refuses to take a look at the voluminous work of serious scientists and researchers who have systematically studied these in an objective and unbiased manner. Their motto is: ‘’I have made up my mind; don’t bother me with facts!’’

The second type of skeptics are those who initially refuse to believe such phenomena, but are willing to at least take a look at available research findings by reliable and respectable researchers.

To the latter belongs such serious researchers as American psychologist Dr. Lawrence LeShan, who wrote the thought-provoking book, “The Medium, The Mystic and the Physicist (Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal)” originally published in 1974 and revised in 2003, which has since become a classic in parapsychology.

LeShan wondered why so many stories of psychic experiences (like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc.) continue to be told from ancient times to the present if there was no truth to them. Surely, all those millions of people who have either experienced or witnessed such phenomena could not all be hallucinating or merely imagining things.

Sensitives and psychics

He studied and investigated sensitives and psychics, specially the well-known clairvoyant Eileen Garrett, who was only too willing to be tested by scientific researchers because she herself wondered why she had those extraordinary psychic abilities. No one has ever accused her of being a fraud or doing trickery.

He also studied the work of mystics and discovered they were saying the same things that quantum physicists have been saying also. For example, both are saying that the world we live in is not what it seems to be.

He realized that sensitives, psychics and mystics were reacting to the world “as if it were constructed or worked differently than what we normally believe it to be. At those moments, they use a different metaphysical structure of the world than our ordinary everyday metaphysical structure.’’ LeShan calls this the “Clairvoyant Reality.’’

On the other hand, what he calls “Sensory Reality’’ is our usual and ordinary, everyday way of knowing. Clairvoyant Reality is “information gained other than through normal senses.” Events that are normal in the Clairvoyant Reality are considered “paranormal” in the world of Sensory Reality because they cannot be explained rationally or logically.

This distinction of seeing the world from two different perspectives is similar to what the Yaqui Indian shaman, Don Juan Matus, explained to anthropologist Carlos Castañeda in the latter’s series of books, beginning with “The Teachings of Don Juan.”

Human aura

According to Don Juan, there are two ways of “looking.” When you merely look at a person in the ordinary way, you see him as everyone else does. But when you really look at a person from another perspective, you see him as “fibers of light.”

“Men look different when you see. The little smoke will help you to see men as fibers of light—like white cobwebs. Very fine threads that circulate from the head to the navel. Thus a man looks like an egg of circulating fibers. And his arms and legs are like luminous bristles, bursting and all in directions,” says Don Juan.

Castañeda then asks Don Juan, “Is that the way everyone looks?” And Don Juan replies, “Everyone. Besides, every man is in touch with everything else, not through his hands, though, but through a bunch of long fibers that shoot out from the center of his abdomen. So, as you many see someday, a man is a luminous egg whether he is a beggar or a king and there is no way to change anything.’’

Don Juan is, of course, talking here about the human aura which can be seen by sensitive psychics and clairvoyants but usually hidden or invisible to ordinary sight.

I have on many occasions in the past experienced both ways of seeing the world, although I cannot always do so deliberately or voluntarily. It just comes when needed. And often in an altered state of consciousness.

There are undeniable similarities in how mystics, psychics and quantum physicists see the world outside. They all agree that this world is essentially our own mental creation. Nothing outside is real or certain. Everything is a probability. That’s why the great Albert Einstein, to his dying day, could not accept the findings of quantum physics, saying, “God does not play dice with the universe.”

Well, Albert, apparently He does! INQOur next Basic ESP and Intuition Development seminar will be held March 14-15, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tel. 0998-9886292, 88107245 and email jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com.