Naomi Campell takes safety to a whole new level

In January, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified a growing number of people infected by the novel coronavirus in the province of Wuhan in China. Since then, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), officially named as Covid-19 by the WHO, has spread to 107 more countries.


It is, no doubt, a global emergency which continues to cause fear and panic worldwide. Thus, countries around the world are mobilizing to try to halt the coronavirus outbreak that has infected more than 100,000 people. Airports have also deployed screening measures to isolate passengers with symptoms related to the disease to prevent the virus from spreading.



Many celebrities have also taken to social media to express their concerns about the outbreak and suggest precautionary measures. But there’s no one quite like Naomi Campbell who went the extra mile to keep herself safe. Last year, the actress and supermodel went viral for a video showing her pre-flight routine which would surely put anyone’s in-flight cleaning rituals to shame. This time around, she turned up at the airport in a hazmat suit, goggles, mask, and rubber gloves. As Naomi would say, “Safety first.”


Cover image: Photo from @naomi