This Austrian jeweler is Se-ri’s choice

Son Ye-jin sparkles in “Crash Landing on You (CLOY).”

As the lead character, Yoon Se-ri, she exhibits qualities that other women hope to emulate given similar situations.

Se-ri in Seoul is beautiful, powerful and ruthless when necessary. In North Korea, she is a fearless outsider who wins the hearts of those she meets. She is fiercely loyal and thoughtful.

But Se-ri also shines because of her fashion choices. She is so well put-together that you fully trust “Seri’s Choice,” incidentally the name of her fashion company.

Se-ri, played by Son Ye-jin, wears rhodium-plated Swarovski Nice Stud Pierced Earrings and Nice Necklace in a scene where she meets for dinner with an actor.
Se-ri wearing rose-gold-tone Swarovski Naughty Hoop Pierced Earrings

Se-ri wears Swarovski accessories in several scenes. In the first episode, she tells her assistant to blur her face but not her earrings. She says that it is “the accessory item I’m promoting the hardest out of the whole collection.”

The earrings in question? A stud pierced pair from Swarovski’s Nice Collection. She wore the set, including the double-layered necklace to go with the earrings.

The fictitious Seri’s Choice company collaborates with Swarovski in the drama. The Swarovski Nice Collection is featured in Se-ri’s store. She goes for the Naughty Pierced Earrings when she paraglides and crash-lands into North Korea. This is what she wears throughout her stay in Captain Ri’s (Hyun Bin) village.

But it is the Swarovski Magic Pierced Earrings that she wears when she and Captain Ri make their trip to Pyongyang.

Se-ri hugs Captain Ri in a Seoul scene. She’s wearing Swarovski Penelope Cruz Moonsun Pierced Earring Jackets. —PHOTOS FROM “CRASH LANDING ON YOU”
In Swarovski rhodium-plated Penelope Cruz Moonsun Pierced Earring Jackets with matching necklace in white

In Seoul, she wears the Penelope Cruz Moonsun earrings and necklace, in the scene where Captain Ri offers her fried chicken.

She has on Swarovski Attract Soul Pierced Earrings when she awards Seri’s Choice employees with a bonus.

Se-ri also wears Swarovski Lifelong Heart Pierced Earrings in a scene with her mother, as if to say that her lifelong love is really her mom.

Se-ri sparkles because of her kind soul—and she dons accessories that shine just as she does.