8 tasks you’ve been putting off that you can finally do while in self-quarantine

Are you at home? Do you wash your hands for 20 seconds? Have you explored exercises you can do sans equipment? Good. Stay strong on that self-quarantine course.

If you’re reading this, there are chances that you’re a little on the edge with all the free time you have. You’ve probably taken on the big tasks along with the obvious choices: Decluttering your closet, taking up an online course, and binge-watching a 10-season series.

Not all tasks for you to do are Goliaths. Some are relatively small tasks that’s why you’ve kept putting it off. You think “Since it’s not that important, I can do it some other time.”

Guess what? That “some other time” is right now.

1. Delete unnecessary photos on your phone

Remember when you hit “Burst” on your thigh? How about the selfies that didn’t make it?

2. Call all your friends that you promised to have a coffee date with


I’m an extrovert so the need for social interaction is at an all-time high right now. Luckily, you have an excuse (and your friends have some time) to do that 1-hour catch up you’ve been meaning to do. Plus: You don’t need to get up and get dressed for this one. (But please take a shower for the sake of keeping COVID-19 away.)

3. Throw all the half-used personal care products

If your bathroom sink and shelf are crowded with products you “promise” to use again or keep “just in case”, there’s a chance you’ve got a collection of half-empty products that are fully expired. Chuck them out.

4. Create a Spotify list for every occasion

Now is the time to prove that you are a talented DJ the clubs have yet to discover. Or at least to finally have the playlist to blast on future road trips to avoid fights.

5. Start a journal


How many times have you said “I need to get back to writing”? You’ve got no excuses now to set aside even just 10 minutes every morning to jot down your thoughts. Tip: Write in a stream of consciousness style. Your entries don’t have to make sense at first, you just need to get that writing “muscle” moving. Eventually, you’ll find the Joan Didion in you.

6. Look through all your bags

Do it and you will find loose change, that one lipstick you kept looking for, movie tickets that need to be thrown out, small pouches you’ve forgotten, your favorite pen, flash drives, mints, earrings. And just maybe the answers to all your questions.

7. Fix your wallet


There’s a loyalty stamp card lingering in there from five years ago.

8. Shop online…so you can help remotely

Tired of feeling helpless during this time? Do what you can by sending out donations online or joining the social media fundraisers for the less-privileged and our frontliners.


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