Excuse me, Miss, but are you wearing an eclair?

If you haven’t noticed, I’m on this kick of looking for very niche Instagram accounts. Sure, TikTok is cool, but have you felt the validation that you’re not the only one who thinks a designer dress looks like a pastry?

On top of the Instagram account that follows the bags we see on TV and film, and one that matches bugs with runway looks, I give you @wardrobevpantry.

It’s funny and irreverent. It’s not a bash on the clothes and looks. But it helps to assure you that you’re not going delusional or “hangry” when you’ve mistaken an outfit or even an entire person for food.

When you’re feeling a little uninspired, the account can help you come up with a look or help you figure out which colors look good together.

Do not scroll through this account if you’re having severe cravings or if you’re on a diet.



What are the most popular bags onscreen?


Fashion next big trend is most likely influenced by biology