One thing I’m thankful for these days is that my bathtub has been getting a lot of use. As much as I can, I allot one hour to enjoy the suds, the warmth of the water and having intentional me-time.
I understand that not all of us may have a tub, but in the future, if you get a chance to have one in your bath, trust that taking time to give yourself this treat can help you disconnect from the world and recharge.
I also make the most of my bath in terms of skin care. While I wait for the tub to fill, I apply deep conditioner to my hair. You can also opt for a hair mask. I suggest something like the Ecococo Hydrating Conditioner or the Fancy Handy Total Repair Hair Mask, both available at Beauty Bar.
The important thing is to set it all up. If you want to enjoy a drink, make sure it’s easy and safely within arm’s reach. Tell your housemates that you’re taking an hour for yourself so they shouldn’t bother you unless absolutely needed.
On my body I apply a thin layer of extra-virgin olive oil. It gives extra moisture and works with the warm water. It makes my skin feels supple. I don’t put any on my feet to avoid slipping.

Bath bomb
I sometimes do bath bombs, sometimes bath oils. A day or two prior, you can even make your own bath bomb. What you’ll need is 1 cup baking soda, ½ cup citric acid, ½ cup Epsom salts, 1 tsp water, 2 tsp essential oil, 3 tsp oil (olive oil) and food coloring (any color you want).For tools, you just need a bowl, a whisk, a jar and a mold.
Combine the dry ingredients first in the bowl and blend with a whisk. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid ingredients.
Go for as many essential oils and coloring as your wish. When you’re satisfied, add the liquid mixture to the dry mix, a spoon at a time. Then you can pack them together, shaping them into balls by hand or getting creative with your molds.
While I’m in the bath, I put on my favorite Spotify playlist. This helps me tune out. Feel free to sing!
Face mask
Maximize the time by putting on a face mask. I often reach for the Mario Badescu Super Collagen Mask. Make do with what you have at home or with the treasured beauty products you’ve been keeping.
I also do a body scrub. My regular favorite is Scrub Talulah from Skin by Talulah. The Love at First Sight Coffee Scrub will make your skin feel extra clean and soft. It’s made with gentle ingredients so you can use it without worrying about overdoing it.
After I rinse, I top the ritual off with Fillmed’s Skin Perfusion Nourishing Body Balm. Get this online and delivered to your doorstep via The Belo Shop. I love this, as it smells so good. A thin film is all you need to lock in the moisture.
Let me know your favorite bath products via