QUICK QUIP: LA Aguinaldo on journaling, painting, and the Beast Mode playlist

If you’d always be found at the hottest scene, you’d bump into LA Aguinaldo.

The “Boy Wonder” is a busybody as a model and influencer, representing the biggest and most beloved brands for today’s youth. You also most likely would hop on to his social media to see where he’s at, whether it was Japan or Hawaii.

A few months back, he launched a merch line called All Day Industries, featuring shirts that were a staple for those believed in the brand’s mantra: “Find your north. Stick to it.”

So how has it all been since we’ve taken a different pace? We checked in on LA to find out.

How do you start your day?
The lockdown has been quite an adjustment for me. Before all of this, I’d usually get up at 7 am. Now I get up at 9 am or a bit later. I can’t function without coffee, so I grab breakfast before anything else.

Journaling has helped me throughout this season, so I’d journal while eating jelly toast and eggs. I’d usually go out to the garden and do some stretching. I get some sun and pretend I’m on the beach for around 30 minutes.

I read a book or some articles online or even just fiddle around Instagram.

What’s your at-home workout? 
I work out late in the afternoon when the heat isn’t too harsh, but there’s still enough sunlight to get you motivated. I use the Nike Training Club app to help me get the work out of the day done. I switch on Beast Mode playlist on Spotify to help push me. After working out, I usually head to the shower and prep for dinner.

How do you wind down?
After dinner, I play Call of Duty every 8:30 pm with a gaming group, and we battle it out till around 9:30 pm. I can still squeeze a movie before hitting the bed and always give my thanks right before switching off the lights.

What are the hobbies/activities you’ve picked up during this time? 
I’d fiddle with my guitar here and there, try to paint, watch short docus on YouTube. I have so much fun painting, and it helps to calm you down. Perhaps I could grab more supplies and a bigger canvas soon.

How different is your routine these days from before?
It’s different because what was once a day or two in your week becomes your every day. I see my home as a place where I rest and relax, but now it has become my everything: my office, my gym, my restaurant, and my studio. It took me a while to adjust my brain and compartmentalize my life.

How have you changed your social media posting and content creation?
I create less now, given the situation. My eyes are always glued to the news, and sometimes you can’t help but absorb the energy you’re consuming. Being stuck at home, sometimes you can’t help but feel you’re stuck at life as well.

What is one thing you wish you appreciated more about the world outside?
Touching people you love.

What are other activities that you didn’t do as often that you love now?
I’d have to say journaling and praying.

What is your daily at-home outfit? 
A jersey, basketball shorts, and Nike slides

Quarantine snacks?
Oreos, almonds, eggs, Reese’s Pieces

Who is your Netflix Party pal?
My mom

Who do you video call most often?
I do a weekly call with a friend group, and we’d just share and talk about how our week went highs and lows, and pray for each other. It’s so cool because it does help ease the anxiety of the unknown. Spending time with people going through this collective human experience helps a lot.

What’s a favorite self-care product at the moment?
Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream

What’s in your online shipping cart?
Lots of sneakers and activewear gear.


Photo courtesy of LA Aguinaldo on Instagram


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