Mindful eating, moderate exercise and ample sleep: How to stay healthy during pandemic

A good diet with exercise and proper hygiene can help maintain or improve one’s immune system.

The pandemic has forced us to literally stop and examine our lives. Many have stepped up their exercise routines, posting videos on social media on how they keep fit while practicing social distancing. Others have become more mindful of what they eat. With few restaurants open at the height of quarantine, they were forced to fend for themselves. Instant this and no-cook that gave way to hearty vegetable soups and slow-cooked roasts. Although canned goods were within easy reach, some people preferred or looked for the warmth of a home-cooked meal.

In an Instagram post last week, the World Health Organization (WHO), in tandem with the World Food Programme, shared six nutrition tips: Eat a variety of food, including plenty of fruits and vegetables; eat moderate amounts of fats and oils, avoiding trans fats; cut back on salt by limiting intake to less than 5 grams (a teaspoon) a day; reduce sugar consumption by limiting intake of sweets and sugary drinks; stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water; and avoid drinking alcohol, or keep it to the minimum if you do.

Research has shown that spices like oregano, cumin and thyme contain antiviral and antimicrobial properties, while the zinc, folate, iron and vitamins you get from the food you eat help the immune system do its job.

You can also cap your meal with a cup of Nutrabliss by Watsons Tea.

They also have tea blends and coffee mixes that are a good source of vitamin C and calcium.

Aside from fruits and vegetables, WHO recommends eating legumes (lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains (oats, brown rice, starchy tubers), and foods from animal sources (meat, fish, egg and milk). Red meat should be eaten sparingly, once or twice a week, while poultry can be eaten two to three times a week.


Moderate exercise, like fitness walking—30 minutes to an hour at least four times a week—is recommended. A favorite on YouTube is Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home exercise videos. Her low-impact exercises last from 10 minutes for a mid-morning jolt of adrenaline to 45 minutes for her 3-mile (5-km) walks.

Get some sleep. These days, however, that’s easier said than done. It’s recommended that adults get at least seven hours of restful sleep. In a New York Times article last month (“Considering melatonin for sleep? Here’s a guide to help”), Dr. Alon Y. Avidan said that with COVID-19, there is “an epidemic of insomnia. We call it Covid-somnia.”

Watsons has vitamins for kids to help them reach their potential.

To help avoid this, set a proper time to turn in at night and stick to it. You can also switch your digital devices on silent to get some downtime while you sleep.

Watsons suggests taking vitamins regularly. They carry a wide range, from their own Watsons Generics to brands like Conzace Soft Gel with zinc and vitamins A, C and E, and Myra E 400IU to help fight cell damage. For kids, there’s Growee Syrup and Cherifer PGM with zinc capsules.


Watsons carries a range of supplements like MET Tathione, NU Essence Collagen and OrganiqueAcai Juice. You can also help keep your defenses up with supplements that like MX3 capsules and Watsons Generics Malunggay + Mangosteen.Health essentials that may prove useful include Ascof Forte Syrup, Strepsils, Prosource Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Biogenic Ethyl Alcohol.

These and other essentials can be ordered online by logging on to watsons.com.ph or calling select branches to have your orders delivered. For contact details of branches near you, check out: https://bit.ly/2z7coJP.

Watsons offers deliveries for online transact ions at watsons. com.ph.

When you shop, use your Watsons Card to earn points and get a chance to win a UV Care DeluxeGerm Terminator, Super Power UV Vacuum or Smart Robot UV Vacuum with a minimum purchase of P500 on selected health items. Promo runs until June 24.

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