A new work-life balance

Pen Roque: We’re not home alone

“Form follows function” is one of the most famous and used principles in design and architecture by Louis Sullivan. Quite appropriate nowadays, as it gives emphasis and attention to the reason why people tend to return to the basics. If we can make sense of the things and people surrounding us, it should help us figure out how we can adapt, respond and evolve as persons—connecting with simple truths and reality in order for us to thoughtfully respond, hopefully adapt and willingly evolve.

Time works differently nowadays; it runs faster now that we are mostly in the “virtual” world. Our words speak louder than our actions, that sometimes we need to spend more time ensuring that our messages are clearly conveyed. Consider extra time and space in your daily activities; allow yourself to appreciate and be more sensitive with others’ time.

When we work in the confines of our home, does work-life balance still apply? Our lives have shifted more than ever online. We catch up with friends and families, we order food and the essentials and we escape from reality via Netflix, Amazon Prime, Viu, etc.—all online. So, choosing our most efficient and reliable online tools and space is critical for us to better adapt our new work-life balance.

Lastly, we’re not home alone. We find comfort knowing that like us, everyone is evolving to becoming a better person. Creativity overflows as we see bankers becoming bakers, marketeers becoming their own plumbers and carpenters, fathers becoming storytellers. The ability to build trust in oneself has been remarkable; we have become willing participants in an environment so new to us and yes, we have displayed our true selves comfortably without fear of judgement.

We are designed to ease ourselves into the “new normal.” There may be some distractions along the way, but hey, we keep moving forward and we stay focused on what really matters. —CONTRIBUTED