The benefits of going organic and why it’s important to start eating healthier

ORGANIC. You hear it everywhere–from hygiene products, to cookware, even to the skin care you use–anything “organic”(which refers primarily to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products such as vegetables, meat, and dairy) is in high popularity these days thanks in part to the organic movement that began shaking industries in the first half of the 20th century.

“Going organic” is a simple premise, all things considered. As a person, you choose stuff for personal use or consumption that was grown or made without the assistance of bioengineering or toxic/synthetic chemicals. Organically-grown produce means the process with which they were cultivated has met the following goals: enhanced soil and water quality, reduced pollution, provided safety for livestock, and promoted farming self-sustainability.

In more recent years, the organic food category began capturing a significant share of the grocery shopping population as more and more households started seeing the benefits of primarily consuming naturally-grown foods, which, as many studies have indicated, are known to pack more nutrients that make us healthier and help our bodies become stronger. To date, the category continues to grow in market share. 

Why now is the best time to start including organic foods to support a healthier diet for your family 

The benefits of consuming organic food to support a healthier lifestyle have been covered extensively by numerous studies and research, all pointing out the same thing: they are packed and loaded with all the good stuff our bodies need daily. But just in case it needs fleshing out–here are a number of advantages to keep in mind in doing the shift inside your household: 

Organic food is safer (and to some extent, tastier) 

Synthetic products meant to stimulate growth and production in farming and livestock are used regularly by commercial industries. Because organic farming restricts the use of any chemicals in its production, advocates have long been saying that organic food is actually safer, and even tastier, for consumption.

Organic food is kinder to the environment and to animals

Production of organic food is better for the environment and animals because its farming methods are different from commercial ones, as the latter rely heavily on the use of pesticides and other chemicals and synthetic materials in the production line. 

These, unfortunately, end up polluting our waterways, which becomes a bad cycle for farming when used on crops. Organic foods are cultivated with sustainable alternatives that allow crops and animals to grow, multiply, and produce in their own healthy pace. Nutrition experts have also been noted as saying that even grass-fed meat and organic dairy products don’t carry the risk of heart disease to consumers because animals bred in organic practice are not exposed to an unnatural diet of corn, hormones, and other medications.

Since organic agriculture is hugely dependent on renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy, it also helps in minimizing the effects of global warming and greenhouse gasses. Slowly eliminating the consumption of carbon-based fossil fuels and chemical fertilizers doesn’t just create a major improvement in animal welfare but also in the surrounding environment. 

The environment and animals are happy, people are happy. It’s a win-win situation. 

Organic food generally contains more nutrients 

According to multiple research, foods are grown organically, such as fruits and vegetables, are higher in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Higher concentrations in antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, iron, chromium, and magnesium have been noted in some studies. Organic dairy products have also been noted to contain more proteins than other commercially-developed milk products and have been shown to contain a more favorable fatty acid profile. 

Organic food has never been cheaper and more accessible 

Contrary to popular belief, organic foods are actually not that expensive when included in your daily dietary plans. Because there’s more demand for ethically sourced food items, more and more organic farming are being developed and put up by groups and organizations. There are now more organic foods sources than there ever were a decade ago, and food prices have become attainable for all market segments, making it accessible now to more and more households. 

Your family can start integrating organic foods into your daily meals–it can be fruits and vegetables, or even meat and dairy. One of the easiest ways to shift to a healthier diet is by checking which food products you buy are actually organically farmed and made. You can start with the milk your family drinks–for starters, a good choice would be Arla Organic Powdered Milk. Arla, the largest organic milk producer in the world, has always been committed to providing nutritious and more natural choices because they know that good health is the number one priority of every family.

That’s why they’re making their organic milk more accessible now with a starting price of Php50.00 per 1-liter pack–a good price point for any household with budgetary considerations. Arla Organic Powdered Milk is 100% European Organic-Certified so you can be sure that it is a high-quality organic powdered milk. In order to produce organic milk powder, their cows feed on nothing but organic feed and are raised in free-range conditions. It has all the nutrients of organic milk and has 50% more proteins (vs similar powdered milk brands) that help your child grow. 

Bonus fact: Arla is committed to producing the highest quality of organic dairy products while taking utmost care of the environment and animals, and their products are free from GMOs and pesticides. 

To try the new ARLA Organic Powdered Milk Drink, click here.