While in Australia, actress Bianca King is trying to be positive amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and she is able to do this by practicing mindfulness.
King shared with fans a quote from meditation expert James Baraz, defining mindfulness as “simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different…” as seen on her Instagram page yesterday, Sept. 12. The actress can also be seen sitting in a beach while facing the sea.

“[Mindfulness is] enjoying the pleasant without holding on to when it changes (which it will); being in the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it wont),” her quote further stated.
“Might be a tall order to ask for – to not wish things were different,” she said. “Life [is] challenging enough but add a pandemic and you’ve got compounded difficulties in daily life. By practicing mindfulness, we are able to process our emotions and thoughts better. And have a healthy dose of optimism – that not everything lasts (only plastic).”
King also encouraged everyone to commune with nature.
“When you can, go out and be in nature. Sit in silence and just breathe,” she said.
Earlier in the week, King also shared a moment of herself in Tamarama Beach, as seen on her post on Sept. 9
“Spring is here! We had one hot day last week so I swam!” she said. “The water was still 16 degrees and felt like frost bite! Cold plunges are so good for us though.”
King also revealed she “literally wore the same sweaters and sweatpants every week” because her winter clothes are in Manila.
“I successfully got through my first mild Australian winter from start to finish. With barely any winter clothes…” King said. “Talk about minimalist capsule wardrobe.” JB
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