Carla Abellana bats for responsible pet care: ‘A pet is a commitment’

Having pets entails a lot of work and effort, not to mention money. But more than this, it is a commitment which actress Carla Abellana adheres to.

Abellana rattled off some “guidelines” for responsible pet care as per her Instagram post today, Sept. 29.

For Abellana, a pet is a commitment which is why one should “carefully plan and assess your situation first, before getting a pet.”

“Do you have the time, money and commitment to be with this pet — in good times and in bad?” she asked.

“Abandoned and neglected pets are results of poor planning and poor judgment,” she stated. “They are not gadgets and toys that you can simply outgrow and put away with no consequences.”

With this, she advised everyone not to get any furry friend if one can’t finance its maintenance.

“Please do not get a dog that requires high maintenance grooming if you cannot afford to have the dog groomed at least once a month or you cannot afford anti-tick/flea treatment,” she appealed.

Carla Abellana
Carla Abellana with the dogs she adopted from animal shelter PAWS, Wing and Fly. Image: YouTube/Carla Abellana

If, for one reason or another, the pet owner encounters financial problems which will make maintaining a dog or cat impossible, Abellana’s advice is to “post in your own wall with a photo of your pet and explain why you cannot keep the pet.”

“Most often than not, a relative and a friend will help out. A sincere post will get attention,” she said.

For Abellana, the best way to prevent your pet from multiplying is neutering.

“It is the kindest thing that you can do for them. We have more than enough cats and dogs suffering from neglect and abandonment,” she said.

Abellana feels that most abandoned dogs and cats cannot be attended to by animal welfare groups and shelters as they have with them more than enough pets to take care of.

“They want to focus on the animals in their care to get them adopted,” she explained. “Otherwise, taking in animals when they do not have the capacity to care for them is in itself neglect.” NVG 


WATCH: Carla Abellana adopts two orphaned dogs from PAWS

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