Why Amy Perez thinks first impressions should not always last

The saying goes, “first impressions last,” but for TV host and actress Amy Perez, this does not hold true all the time.

Perez shared her insight as to why judging a person upon the first encounter is not good, as seen on her Instagram page today, Oct. 14.

“Judging someone by a first impression without having all the facts can be a problem even for people who love God and are serious about serving Him,” she stated. “Our mind makes judgments about people – right or wrong — and within minutes, we form opinions that can sabotage a relationship before it ever begins.”

“How could we honestly dislike someone that we barely know, or perhaps don’t know at all?” she asked, admitting she is also guilty of this.

Perez knows herself as a “naturally a quick [decision-maker]” but she also acknowledges that “it is not always good when it comes to relationships.”

“The sad thing is people usually feel our dislike or rejection. If we don’t reveal it in what we say, we do with voice tones, facial expressions, or body language,” she explained. “I always say, ‘Where the mind goes, the man follows.’ It’s impossible for me to think evil thoughts about someone when I am not with them and then be kind and friendly when I see them. I might fake it, but most people would realize something wasn’t right even if they didn’t know what it was.”

Perez then shared a Bible verse, from 1 Samuel 16:7, which goes, “For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

amy perez ig
Amy Perez. Image: Instagram/@amypcastillo

“I realize that we cannot be ‘best friends’ with everyone we meet, but if we are willing, we can learn to think about people the way God thinks about them. As we do, we’ll recognize each person as a valuable possibility instead of a potential problem,” she said.

Perez then asked fans and followers to “make the mind connection”: “The way you think about people affects how you treat them.” JB


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