This ‘hala-mom’ turns daughter into ‘monstera deliciosa’ for Halloween

Zoë’s mom Anna Ignacio made her “monstera deliciosa” costume.


Anna Ignacio, a stay-at-home mom, artist, content creator and confessed plantita, turned her daughter into monstera deliciosa for Halloween.

“I gave Zoë several options for her costume this year, but I guess my love of plants rubbed off on her because in the end, she chose to be a plant,” Ignacio says. “We chose the monstera since it’s one of the most popular houseplants. We love their beautiful leaves!”

The idea for her 9-year-old daughter’s costume came from another blog, A Beautiful Mess. Ignacio used an old cardboard box, green felt, soft wire ties and green ribbon to make it. She even made a matching headband. Zoë wore her DIY costume to three virtual Halloween parties.

Ignacio has been caring for plants for many years. But like many others, she started to focus on caring for and growing them when the pandemic started. She says one needs to find the best spot in the house for the plants to grow.

“All plants need light to grow,” she adds. “Corners with bright natural light are ideal for most plants, but some may require less light and more shade. Understand your individual plant’s needs and find the right spot for them to thrive.”

Anna Ignacio, an artist, has been growing plants for years.

Her first and oldest plant was a ZZ plant. She adopted it from her father. She says that the plant can be maintained easily. Her daughter helps out by watering the plants and wiping the leaves. Zoë loves learning about plants and often asks questions about their names and care needs.

Ignacio adds color to her collection by painting on her plant pots.

“I only started painting my pots recently. I wanted to add a bit of color to one of my black pots, so instead of replacing it, I picked up my paint and made it colorful to match my living space,” she says. This project allowed her to integrate her passion for art and her plant hobby.

She says that paint is a versatile medium that allows you to paint over your first work if you’re unhappy about it.

For those who hesitate to give painting their plant pots a try, she has this to say: “I always believe that there are no mistakes in art. There is never just one way to do things, and for me, that’s what makes art beautiful.”

You can find Ignacio’s many passion projects on Instagram.

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