Moms and Dads! Make Todo Protection fun for you and your 3+ toddler

Face it: You won’t always be there to protect your child. Much as you would like to avoid their first scrape on the knee, or wish that you were the one with the sniffles, the best thing you can do for your child is to send them out into the world todo-protected. 

Short of putting them inside a bubble, the best you can do is to build up their immunity and keep them healthy. This is the best gift you can give to your child, and one that will keep on giving even after they’re all grown up.

Do what you can during the most important years of their lives: the 3+ toddlerhood years. But make it fun for you and your precious one by creating todo-bonding moments together! Here are some tips:

Don’t fight the sweet tooth: befriend it! Kids love sweets, so why don’t you give them the healthy option of fruits. Mix it up by giving them colorful fruit platters of red watermelons, yellow bananas, green kiwi, or even purple berries! Add variety by offering a mix of colorful dried berries or frozen canned fruit topped on yogurt or cereal. 

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Choose naturally occurring sugars, like those found in fruits. Excessive intake of refined sugars can lead to problems such as dental issues as well as increased risk of obesity and diabetes. In fact, The World Health Organization recommends that daily sugar intake should not be more than seven teaspoons a day. 

Explore together the wide world of whole grains in bread, rice, pasta, crackers and cereal bars. Whole grains help with weight management by giving a feeling of fullness for longer periods, have B vitamins, and help break down nutrients in food so all of it is available to the body. Plus, this whole grain habit will help lower the risk of heart disease when your little one is all grown up.

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 Make them #TodoExplorers of vegetables by mixing it up. Veggies can be so much fun. Think bento boxes when preparing veggies: cut them into small shapes of stars, hearts, fishes or flowers and mix up the yellows, reds and greens so they make a rainbow of health on their plates.

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Pretend-play that you’re both #TodoExplorers of flavors. The 3+ toddlers are still discovering flavors so why not discover along with them? Pretend you’re both rabbits and nibble on carrots, or cows in the field and munch on green leafy veggies. The possibilities for fun are endless!

Don’t be afraid to seek out the experts! NIDO® 3+, the expert in 3+ toddlerhood, developed the NUTRITODS™ Program, a scientific program specially designed by experts for Filipino children to find ways to help parents ensure that their child is todo-protected and todo-supported during this important time. 

And since it’s the season of webinars and distance learning, NIDO® 3+, made it easy and fun to learn todo-protection tips from experts in 3+ toddler health through the Todo Expert T.I.P.S.  (Toddler Indoor Picnic Sessions) event. Here, the event was an opportunity for parents to learn from experts some practical tips to guide them in supporting their 3+ toddlers.

Mommies and daddies, along with the #TodoExplorers had a fun and learning experience, especially through the special AR (augmented reality) Discovery Lens activity which raised the overall experience of the virtual event.

During the event, experts reminded parents that they play a key role in shaping their 3+ toddlers’ diet, and how growing up milk plays a valuable role in meeting the nutritional needs. Based on a global project collaboration between Nestle Research Center and the Philippines’ Food and Nutrition Research Institute, there is an inadequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals in Filipino children. Scientific studies and dietary surveys state that this is likely a result of the typical Filipino diet, which is heavy on carbohydrates and refined sugars, and not enough age-appropriate milk. 

NIDO® 3+ helps kids stay todo protected and become #TodoExplorers, thanks to a new and improved NIDO® 3+ that is rich in age-appropriate nutrients, such as LACTOBACILLUS PROTECTUS, 50% more Protection Nutrients like Vitamins A, C, E (based on previous formulation) DHA, PREBIO3, Iron, Zinc and other essential vitamins and minerals. It also has no added table sugar.

NIDO® 3+ knows how much you love your child. Todo-explore the world of health and nutrition together and have the best todo-fun times during your kid’s precious years!


* NIDO® 3+ is the #1 Growing Up Powdered Milk Drink for moms, according to calculations based partly on Nielsen’s year-long Retail Index Service for the Dietetics. BrandRoom/MS