Now is the time to level up your toddler’s immunity and brain development

Time is of the essence when it comes to building your child’s immunity and brain development. Ensuring that they are todo-protected and have todo brain and growth nutrients is most important during toddlerhood. There is no getting back the years when you could have made a lot of impact on your toddler’s immunity and brain development, so every day counts!

To build up immunity, children’s bodies need to have a regular supply of nutrition, which they get primarily from food. Without adequate nutrition, their immune system won’t be strong enough to resist viruses, especially those that cause highly contagious respiratory infections, or those that cause the common cough or colds.

Here’s some ways to do it:

1. Teach them healthy habits, like washing their hands. Develop the habit by having them do it consistently for at least a month, and lead by example by washing your hands, too.

2. Get them to nap. Naps are important in boosting immunity, whatever the age. Sleep allows the body to recharge, making it ready to face the rest of the day. Children especially need it for todo-brain development.

3. Get them to eat right. Their cells need macronutrients (found in carbohydrates, proteins and fats) as well as micronutrients, which are important in metabolism. To do this, keep track of what they have and haven’t eaten. Give them their daily dose of healthy foods as smaller portions over the course of the day as snacks.

4. Watch that sugar! The toddler 3+ years are when they become more exposed to unhealthy food, which are usually high in sugar. It will be much more difficult if they get used to sweets, so choose a growing up milk like NIDO® 3+, which has no added table sugar but contains lactose.

5. Take advantage of probiotics. These are beneficial bacteria that help guard your child’s digestive system from unfriendly bacteria that cause stomach infections. Probiotics also strengthen the immune system. NIDO 3+ is the only growing-up milk that has LACTOBACILLUS PROTECTUS, which helps strengthen respiratory defenses of toddlers and protects against pathogens in the upper respiratory tract that cause common coughs and colds.

Bonus tip: They can also get the nutrition they need from growing-up milk.

Drinking is one of the easiest ways to get the good stuff into them. Just choose a growing up milk like NIDO 3+, which has a complete mix of both macro and micronutrients, contains the probiotics they need, and is expertly formulated for their age.

Growing-up milks like NIDO 3+ gives children the energy as well as the fat-soluble vitamins and essential fats that the body needs.

Choose NIDO 3+, a growing-up milk that not only offers more value for money but is also specially formulated to be todo-age appropriate for the nutritional needs of toddlers 3 years old and up. The new and improved NIDO 3+ has 50% more protection nutrients like Vitamins A, C, E, and Zinc versus the previous formulation. NIDO 3+ is the only growing-up milk with LACTOBACILLUS PROTECTUS, a probiotic that is important in defending against respiratory infections and the pathogens that cause the common cough and colds.

It helps in overall todo-growth growth and todo-brain nutrients, and has Prebio 3 Fiber, DHA and other essential vitamins. And because NIDO 3+ has no added sugar but contains lactose, kids get the todo-benefits of milk without the negative effects of sugar, together with three balanced meals.

You may not be around all the time to todo-protect your child from infection, but you can choose to give them NIDO 3+, the #1 growing up milk for 3- to 5-year olds. Give them your todo-love and todo-support, and send them out into the world todo-ready and able to resist disease and infections.