How Bubbles Paraiso has dealt with body dysmorphia

Actress and yoga teacher Bubbles Paraiso has battled with body dysmorphia for the longest time and is doing the best she can to still appreciate her body.

Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition where the sufferer spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in appearance, usually unnoticeable to others, according to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service.

Paraiso wrote a letter addressed to her body and acknowledged her physical flaws in her Instagram post yesterday, Jan. 9. She stated that she finds her legs too big.

“Dear body, [thank] you for all that you allow me to do. I’ve suffered from body dysmorphia for the longest time — no matter what or how I looked, I would always find flaws and my legs have always been my biggest insecurity,” she said.

While seeing her legs as bigger than normal, Paraiso feels they are “strong,” which for her has its own benefits.

“But then again, these legs are strong. They’re not thunder thighs, they’re Power Thighs. (I mean… you’ve seen me bike, right? Lol),” she noted.

Paraiso revealed that she has never been happy and comfortable with her body until lately, which has been possible because she has learned to embrace and love herself.

bubbles paraiso ig
Image: Instagram/@bubblesparaiso

“[My] body for what I am, for what it is…. flaws and all,” she said. “Here’s a reminder that you are good enough as you are. Love yourself a little more, you deserve that kind of love.”

On the same day, Paraiso shared with fans and followers her checklist of the positive things she plans to do this 2021, namely: to protect her energy, to celebrate small steps and small wins, to embrace mistakes as lessons, to break up with fear, to make healing a priority, to try to learn something new everyday, and to be open to inspiration coming from unexpected places. JB


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