Can ‘spirit guides’ predict your death?

Here’s a frantic message I received from Suzet V. of El Paso, Texas, who got so upset after her “spirit guide” “predicted when she would die.”

“I have experienced astral projection since I was 16. It happens to me naturally. I need some guidance because of a strong message I had last June. I need to know if it is accurate, or could it possibly have another meaning?

“In the astral plane, I saw a beautiful young blonde woman with long hair. She said she was my spiritual guide, Lily. She said she would be accompanying me for months.

“I asked her if she had been with me since I was born and she said, ‘No!’ So, I asked her, ‘How long do you live?’ And she responded, ‘Seven years.’

“She said she had to tell me something important. She said I will live seven more years. I cried and told her, ‘So I am going to die when I turn 45?’ And she said, ‘No, you will die at the age of 44.’

“I begged her to do something or talk to someone in that dimension to change my destiny. She said, ‘Don’t worry. It will be quick.’ I kept crying and begging for her help. I said I have a baby daughter and I want to be with her when she grows up. She said that I was not a great mother. Then she faded away and I opened my eyes.

“I was very afraid after that dream and the following days. This is the first time a spiritual guide appeared to me. I need help in understanding it. I really hope that this doesn’t mean real death. How can I learn from you spiritually?”

Spirit guides

Dear Suzet,

We all have at least one spirit guide who has been with us since birth. But other guides may come along as we grow with greater responsibility in our earthly existence. I have been told, for example, by three different individuals who did not know each other (the first from the United states, the second from England and the third from the Philippines) that I have seven spirit guides because I have such a big responsibility in this lifetime. The British medium even drew the faces of my spirit guides and their backgrounds. It is not possible for me to confirm or verify if what they say is true, but the coincidence of having seven spirit guides is rather surprising!

Anyway, my opinion is that true spirit guides do not predict the exact date of a person’s death. Only God can do that. Even cancer specialists cannot predict accurately when a patient will die.

There are many pretenders and jokers in the spirit realm as there are on the Earth plane. I don’t think you should pay too much attention to what that supposed guide of yours told you. What possible benefit would it be for you to know when you will die, aside from making you afraid and upset? I would not pay attention to it.

Regarding your question about how you can learn from me spiritually, let me count the ways. First, I have written no less than 18 books now. You can buy some of them at National Book Store or through, Kindle and eBooks. Then there is my weekly column, “Inner Awareness,” which comes out here in the Lifestyle section of the Inquirer. There are online seminars I have only recently started conducting through Zoom. Anybody can join these seminars. See announcement of topics and schedules on my Facebook page. And last, you may catch my previous appearances and interviews still being broadcast by YouTube. “Search and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you,” says the Bible.

Spirit communication

“Dear Mr. Licauco, This is Bhrein S. I would like to inquire if you render services in talking to spirits of dead loved ones. My mother-in-law is interested in availing of your service.”

Dear Mr. Bhrein,

Where did your mother-in-law get the idea that I talk to the dead? I don’t. In fact, I discourage people from trying to call on spirits of the dead. We should not disturb the dead. They are at peace, unless they give some indication or manifestation that they need to communicate an important message to the living.

I have received spontaneous and verifiable messages from at least five spirits of the dead, including from my brother-in-law. But I never sought these out. The message just came to me spontaneously without trying to communicate to them.

If the spirits of the dead do not manifest their presence to the living, then they are at peace. Leave them alone. Just pray for them. INQ

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