How I did it


Now that you already know the basics of wellness—proper diet, nutritional supplementation, exercise, stress management—remember them well. That’s what I’ve done.

It has to be gospel truth to you, almost like a religion. If there are 10 Commandments to Godly living, then golden rules apply for a fitness lifestyle.

In short, the basics are your pillars of strength. Keep them programmed within you. Make them part of your inner blueprint.

Remember that every action, every move, every choice has a consequence.

Paying the price

Yes, there is a price tag attached to our health and wellness decisions. It’s either a punishment or a reward. But in the end, we always have to pay; either we benefit from it or suffer the consequences.

Bernadette’s story: At age 40, this career woman and homemaker was a success in both fields. Each night, as a form of de-stressing, she would treat herself to her favorite cake. This was a pre-bedtime ritual, accomplished by a cup of ice-cream.

Fearful of the fact that her mother died of complications brought on by diabetes, she was in denial about the devastating results of her nightly habits.

She thought, “It will never happen to me.”

Ten years and 20 lbs later, she felt palpitations one morning that sent her running to a cardiologist. The result of her examination? She was a borderline diabetic.

Moral of the story? She refused to face the consequences of her actions by giving in to her personal cravings.

Today, she is forced to take responsibility for herself. Happily, her situation has been reversed. By embracing a wellness lifestyle and being fully conscious of her decisions, her actions are directed toward her well-being.

To-do list

1. Walk the talk. Be who you truly are—a healthy, vibrant, beautiful person. Declare this truth for yourself and live it.

2. Food is your friend, not an enemy. There is actually almost nothing that is considered forbidden fruit or food, except for pure animal fat/lard, which I personally will not touch. But this doesn’t give you the license to eat everything you see.

3. Moderation—I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Eat and drink in moderation. Overeating and bingeing is taboo. It will only stress your body. You don’t want this.

What is the right amount? Go by feel. If your tummy is slowly filling up, stop putting food in your mouth. Eat enough to appease your hunger. Drink enough to quench your thirst. No need to bloat on food. And no need to drown yourself in alcohol.

In fact, even too much water isn’t good for you. Limit yourself to eight to 15 glasses daily. I drink one full glass of water 30 minutes before a meal for three reasons.

1. To fill up my tummy so I don’t eat much. It’s a diet tip.

2. To hydrate my body.

3. To detoxify my system.

My favorite beverages:


Ginger tea/ginger drinks

Soy and almond milk


Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables

Detox juice:

One whole big sugar beet

One small singkamas

One big carrot

One celery (optional)

Juice and drink up within six minutes. That’s your deadline, or the fresh ingredients will lose their enzyme power.

4. A beauty and wellness day—Once a week, dedicate one day  exclusively to beauty and cleansing.

Body Scrub

¼  c brown/muscovado sugar

2 tbsp virgin coconut oil

Mix and rub throughout your body, from face to feet.

Your skin will become smooth as silk.

Take a cool shower to promote circulation.

Drink your detox juice.

5. Live love. It’s the most powerful force on earth that can so easily be harnessed from your own heart. All my life I have been ruled by love and the most natural of its manifestations: compassion and forgiveness. These are the healing agents that can cure every possible problem in your life. Give away love and you attract more, just like a magnet.

By doing so, we become attuned to our higher selves—the most authentic part of who we are.

To quote a famous adage: “Let go and let God.”

Affirm today: “I am beautiful.”