Did revelations stop with the Apostles?

I believe that revelations and other communications from God and other higher entities and intelligences have not stopped with the death of the old prophets and the Apostles of Jesus Christ. Spiritual guidance has always been there, but we humans seldom listen to or heed words of wisdom.

In modern times, how many of such valuable revelations and communications from higher dimensions have been lost because of the lack of belief, the skepticism of people, who regard anything outside the purview of science to be either nonexistent, or a product of the imagination, or deception, even madness?

We have made a religion out of science and consider scientists, researchers and doctors as its priests. Everything that science declares to be true is believed and followed by the majority, who reject everything that cannot be proven by science or detected by scientific instruments.

And this is how progress in knowledge stops. Modern man refuses to look beyond the narrow perspective of the scientific paradigm.

The scientific method is perfect when studying or trying to prove the validity or reality of physical things. It was not meant to study nonphysical phenomena. And that is the reason anything that cannot be explained by science is regarded as an “anomaly of nature.”

Thus, science struggles, for example, to explain how consciousness works or takes place, or if the mind is different from the brain.

To me, the mind is simply the thinking faculty of the soul, but since science does not believe in the soul, this definition is considered nonsensical.

Going back to revelations from the spirit world, communication from higher beings, as I pointed out, has never ceased. We just don’t pay attention to it.

I have met several individuals who were recipients of revelations from higher dimensions and even other planets, who could not believe such messages. Some of these are written in an unknown language not found anywhere on Earth. These revelations die with the death of the mediums who received them.

Ang Suh

In 1984, we were in contact with a wise and mysterious entity from the upper fifth dimension named Ang Suh, who gave numerous messages over two years to a graphic artist working in a German car manufacturing company in the Philippines. But due to the vehement objections of his born-again wife, he had to give up such communication and migrated to the United States, where he worked with a Filipino newspaper.

The entity then searched for a suitable person to continue the revelations and chose one who was a very skeptical doctor of medicine. I assured her the communications came from Ang Suh. But the messages soon became less and less, and the good doctor became tired of receiving them due to her work in another country.

I myself have received important messages from other higher intelligences and higher dimensions, but never knew what to do with them. Like many spirit messages received by other sensitives and mediums, they languish in dusty rooms, neglected by a skeptical and uncaring world.

And that is how the cookie crumbles. That is how science stops its own progress.

As I pointed out several times in this column and elsewhere, “The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” This quotation comes from Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors and scientists of the modern era.

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