Happy Bidet: This Instagram account gives us comfort room reviews

Facebook feeds have been vomiting Haha reactions since the recent posting of a screenshot of a certain Instagram account. It’s not exactly a meme page, but it goes exceptionally beyond that wit.

Flaunting the catchphrase, “Para sa mga taong hindi sapat ang tissue,” Instagram profile May Bidet Ba? (@meronbangbidet) posts photos of toilets of different establishments (as indicated in the Instagram location stickers) and answers the question on whether or not a bidet is present in this specific location’s comfort room–a nationwide need in times of unforeseen trouble.

Aside from featuring those well-visited spots we’d most likely expect like Samgyupsalamat and other feast-like-a-beast food places, May Bidet Ba? actually investigates on the most random places like Km29 SLex and even Narra Hill, too. Come to think of it, any unforeseen trouble can  happen literally anytime and anywhere, after all.

Each review contains a checklist: Does this restroom have a bidet? How’s the water pressure? How clean is it? And the most important one, how’s the rate of this toilet’s poopability? Notes come as a casual life advice as well.

It’s not yet even a day yet since Facebook user Tophee Marquez posted a sneak peek of the witty Instagram account, but the post has already garnered 14,000+ reactions as of writing. It can also be noticed that when the May Bidet Ba? profile got screencapped, it had only 92 followers. Now, when you see it for yourself (which is something we’ll all probably do in the next days to come), you can notice how the number crawled up to more than 5,000 followers.

It’s not exactly a meme page, but May Bidet Ba? definitely goes beyond it. It delivers the kind of funny you need as a refresher, and also delivers the kind of funny when you need to refreshen up for real. Getting stuck in nature’s rut when you’re on IG won’t feel so scary, maybe?