Celina Fernandez has been busy with work, her dogs and painting.
The 37-year-old cluster boutique proprietor for Benefit Cosmetics Philippines also discovered what she calls her pandemic passion project: “Brewing my own kombucha!”
Wicked Moon Kombucha isn’t her only pandemic passion—fitness is another one.
“I’ve been wanting to have a regular routine, but the pandemic gave me more reason to do it regularly. I feel well-balanced and lighter after I work out,” she told Lifestyle.
In this week’s Fitness Diaries, Fernandez shares her secrets to staying healthy.
My fitness routine: I work out at least three times a week. I alternate boxing, cardio, lifting weights.
I do 30 to 40 minutess of cardio using the elliptical bike, then I spend 20 minutes toning my arms, abs and thighs.
Favorite workouts: I love boxing and any workout for the abs and thighs.
Where I work out: At home.
Fitness essentials: Booty Bands, Ear Buds, a really good playlist and my vegan protein powder.
My workout playlist: A mix of electro pop, EDM and R&B
My diet: I have been vegetarian since 2017. I stay away from rice and artificial sweeteners.
I only follow a strict diet when I am about to go on a five-day detox (juice cleanse). I do this twice a year.
What I usually eat in a day: I drink my smoothie for breakfast (frozen bananas or berries with kale, cacao nibs, flax seeds, chia seeds, soy milk, almond nut butter plus vegan protein powder).
For lunch I usually eat kale salad with pineapples and tofu or tempeh and I drink kombucha.
I only eat twice a day. Sometimes, I do Intermittent fasting, giving myself a six- to eight-hour window to eat.
What’s off-limits: When I’m not PMSing, I try to stay away from sweets!
Do you have cheat days? Once a week.
What keeps me motivated? I love the feeling and I love my energy after I work out, this keeps me motivated.
How the pandemic affected my fitness routine: I found a reason to work out more and stay healthier!
Other fitness secrets: I don’t drink caffeinated coffee anymore.
I alternate my routine and I make sure that I do at least 10,000-15,000 steps walking once a week.
Tips for people who want to get healthier: Wanting to be healthy is a mindset; you have to really want it for yourself, not because you want to look good.
I love the feeling that comes with being healthy. I love my energy and stamina since I started eating and living healthy. INQ