Jump Manila founder spills his fitness secrets

Erwin Jeremy Ng enjoys participating in marathons and Spartan Races.

Erwin Jeremy Ng will soon be releasing his newest jump rope. He’s excited about this edition of his popular jump ropes that, according to him, will be “the best quality, affordable, with most attractive colors.”

The 35-year-old founder of Jump Manila caters to the continuously growing jump rope community in the Philippines. “I oversee daily business operations and I have lined up events until next month for brand sponsorships,” he told Lifestyle.

Many Filipinos have chosen jump rope as a way to get (or stay) in shape. But we were curious about Ng’s own fitness journey. “I’ve always been into sports since grade school, and would always join intramurals in our school,” he said.

This interest in fitness stems from his desire for self-improvement. “I’ve always wanted to be the best version of myself and naturally, I just have so much energy that always leads me to moving around.”

In this week’s Fitness Diaries, Ng shares with us his routine, diet and other secrets to staying in shape.

My routine: Whenever time permits, I work out six times a week, with a mix of cardio/jump rope and resistance training. Before the pandemic, I used to run three to four times a week and would often have a race (marathon, spartan) during the weekends.

Jump rope, his favorite cardio workout

Favorite workouts: For cardio, I would always go for jump rope, then next is running. I also love doing body weight exercises in outdoor parks

Workout frequency: Five to six times a week.

Where I work out: Right now, I just work out at home because my brother was able to build a home gym.

Fitness essentials: Jump rope, a pair of good shoes and comfortable workout clothes.

My workout playlist: Any upbeat music or songs that would easily synchronize with jump rope tricks. Sometimes I choose playlists depending on the relevance or top lists.

My diet: I have always been a believer that proper diet plays a larger role in staying fit. However, it’s a process and discipline. For my diet, I do intermittent fasting. But of course, it’s possible to go off track. You just need to dive back slowly.

What I eat in a day: One big meal works for me but I also do munch from time to time. I also make sure to have any type of fruit every day and try to eat more whole foods like beans, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

Erwin in action

What’s off-limits: As much as possible, sweets, since I can easily get carried away with them.

Cheat day: Yes, definitely. At least once a week. I get to cheat mostly over the weekend. I indulge in sweets.

What keeps me motivated: I just know that I don’t want to be overweight again. That’s enough reason to keep going.

How the pandemic affected my routine: It was encouraging for me since I’ve had more time.

Other fitness secrets: Secret! Hahaha. But seriously, it’s enjoying the process and making it a lifestyle.

Tips for people who want to get healthier: You need to start somewhere. You may feel like you want to do so much, but you just have to take it one step at a time. Also, focus on the long term. Find a diet and fitness plan that you can stick to, not just for three to six months but for years until you get old.