8 multiplayer games you can play with friends while social distancing

These super fun multiplayer video games are keeping people connected and entertained

Art by Sai Shah | Photos from Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, and Hide Online

Video games and online gaming applications are helping people stay connected amid the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly multiplayer games. Here, we asked fellow creatives about some of their favorite multiplayer games that are keeping them occupied right now.

1. House Party

House Party is the latest social networking gaming app that allows you to video chat with friends while playing a game. There are a variety of trivia challenges to choose from (there’s a category for Netflix movies and series) as well as games like heads up, quick draw, and finish the song lyric. House Party is similar to Yahoo Messenger with the chat and video features but with a focus on games. 

“I’ve only started playing House Party recently, maybe a week or so ago. It’s fun because you get to video chat and play with your friends. The games we’ve tried so far have been funny and challenging. I feel like it could be a game we’d be playing while at a real house party with a few drinks and all,” Pau Miranda, associate managing editor, Nolisoli.ph


Available on iOS, Android, Mac OS and Chrome for free

2. Call Of Duty (COD) Mobile 

Call of Duty (COD) Mobile has reached over 100 million downloads around the world and just recently won the EE Mobile Game of The Year award at the British Academy Games Awards. It’s a popular choice for people who enjoy first-person shooter games. COD Mobile allows you to take part in several game challenges like battle royale, pick up, and play action.

“COD Mobile really reminds me of Counter-Strike but with better graphics. Aside from the excitement you get from getting to shoot other players, it gives off a hint of nostalgia. Having it on mobile is also a big plus since I can’t bring my computer in every corner of my house. It also allows me to invite friends to play with me, which helps with the SepAnx (or separation anxiety disorder) we get from ECQ,” says Lia delos Reyes, junior content creator, Preen.ph 

Available on iOS, Android, PS4 and Xbox

3. Overcooked

If you’ve dreamed about opening your own restaurant with friends, Overcooked will challenge you to make it happen. The game runs on a chaotic couch co-op setting where you and your teammates are tasked to cook, prepare, and serve multiple orders at the same time. 

“Besides the cute graphics, I really like the challenge [of Overcooked]. Though I’ve rage quit a couple of times, I find myself trying the level again because I know that it’s possible to beat. It’s not like other games where you win because of pure luck. Overcooked is cool because I also get to play with my family and we play as a team and not against each other. (Kinda steering away from competitive games to avoid family drama LMAO),” Monina Mejias, junior content creator, Hinge Inquirer

Available on Switch, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch

4. Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH)

Animal Crossing is a popular choice right now for Nintendo Switch users all over the world. The multiplayer game‘s premise seems simple: create a home, interact with fellow animal villagers, and enjoy life. But the challenge goes beyond that. The game takes you to a deserted island where you’ll have to explore, create, and customize your own paradise. 

“I love playing Animal Crossing because it reminds me of the outdoors. ACNH is set in a deserted island where you can build a town literally from the ground up. It has waterfalls, rivers, beaches, and cliffs. Basically everything I’m missing during ECQ. I usually gravitate towards narrative-driven games but Animal Crossing (and Stardew Valley!) have somehow creeped into my list of top games.

A lot of what makes ACNH fun is the micro interactions. There are so many tiny details like rice cookers that open, toilets that have actual functions, and balls that bounce when you interact with them. It’s also relaxing because there’s no time pressure to complete your tasks. You can do everything at your own pace!” Tricia Guevara, junior designer, Multisport.ph and Preen.ph

Available on Nintendo Switch

5. The Division

The Division is an online action role playing game set in New York City in the aftermath of a global pandemic. Your task is to join forces with a group and help rebuild operations in Manhattan as well as investigate the cause of the outbreak. 

“I have been playing Division with a friend on voice call to make the game more entertaining. The game’s concept is an aftermath of a pandemic, and we are agents fighting hostiles and trying to rebuild the city. I find this really interesting because it’s relevant to what’s happening right now. Also, I love the graphics and environment design since it’s set in New York City,” Argyl Leones, videographer, Hinge Inquirer

Available on Switch, Mac OS, iOS and Android

6. Among Us

Among Us lets you team up with up to 10 friends to prepare your spaceship for departure. The challenge is that there’s one impostor who’s assigned to kill everyone. 

“I slept at 6 a.m. today because of this game. I think it also helped that we were hearing each other real-time while in-game through another digital channel called Discord. It basically ties the whole thing up with the objective of the game, which is to either finish all tasks or find the impostor/s. It’s great, even nostalgic, to feel like you and your friends are all in one room again,” says Marian San Pedro, junior content creator, Fnbreport.ph

Available on iOS and Android

7. Mario Kart

Throwback to the time you were in Timezone playing Mario Kart with friends. There’s a more developed version of Mario Kart now where you can compete against anyone around the world with a Nintendo Switch. Choose your favorite character and hit the road with that go-kart.

“Mario Kart is an entertaining game because of its simplicity, fun mechanics, and accessibility to everyone. Even if you’re new to the game, you will find it easy and fun to play. You can throw bananas, throw turtle shells or be a bullet that will clash with other racers just to be first,” Mikee Yabut, junior multimedia artist, Scoutmag.ph

Available on Nintendo Switch

8. Hide Online

Hide Online is a multiplayer hide-and-seek game where hunters battle against props or objects like chairs, vending machines, lavatory pans, and soda cans. If you and your friends choose to be hunters, the goal is to shoot props you think are alive and trying to escape. You can also opt to be a prop whose task is to hide from the hunter. 

“I’ve been playing Hide Online ever since ECQ started. The trippy visuals and sounds and the overall thrill of the game gets better when played with my friends and cousins. It’s easy to connect with them through this game because all we need is to create a room where we can all play with and against each other. We can also legally hijack strangers’ public game rooms if we’re in that kind of mood,” Jelou Galang, junior content creator, Scoutmag.ph

Available on iOS and Android