Caring for employees always a top priority for Globe

Employees are a company’s backbone. For Globe, extending care to customers and providing better connectivity experience especially amidst challenging times happen because of their hard work. 

Therefore, the company’s relentless dedication in treating people right to create a Globe of good is evidenced by initiatives to ensure the overall well-being of its workforce.  

“Doing our part in helping the nation rise above this pandemic is not simply about what we do externally for our customers and the community, but also what we do internally to care for our employees,” said Ato Jiao, Globe Chief Human Resource Officer.

Last year, Globe promptly ensured all-around employee assistance through a holistic COVID-19 support package.  It boosted digitalization efforts to limit in-person contact and exposure, and allow employees to remain agile and efficient despite the logistical constraints. Globe particularly kept an eye on frontline workers providing essential service on-site. They were provided with safe lodging, meals, personal protective equipment (PPEs), vitamins, transportation, hazard pay, and insurance to help alleviate anxiety.

Focusing on employees’ health and wellbeing, the company enhanced its existing medical insurance coverage, even going as far as fully shouldering medical expenses of those infected by the virus. Konsulta MD, AC Health, and Maxicare provided a hotline that employees and their dependents can consult with for urgent health concerns anytime, anywhere. A partnership was also forged with MindNation and HopeChat to care for employees’ mental health through virtual psychologists to help alleviate isolation and anxiety during these pressing times.

Globe Care Employees

To maintain active employee engagement, Globe adopted a multi-faceted strategy focusing on the happiness, well-being, and continued growth of each employee despite challenges and limitations of an evolving work environment. Employee engagement sessions went virtual with learning and fitness sessions, talk shows, fun and educational webinars, and podcasts. Globe held 16 wellness webinars, and released 53 posts during Wellness Wednesdays, an initiative where Ka-Globe can talk about wellness in an online community.

Various chatbots were also developed to help ease employees into the new working style. Digital Usher for Disasters and Emergencies or DUDE is a chatbot which serves as daily health check-in for employees and enables COVID-19 support as well as access to mental health partners. Wanda was also developed as a recognition chatbot to enable employees to send special e-cards to one another, enabling them to nurture Globe’s culture of recognition even while working apart.

Leaders kept in touch and maintained regular interactions through virtual town hall meetings led by President and Chief Executive Officer, Ernest Cu. More than being kept abreast of key developments and updates on the business and the organization as a whole, these sessions were great opportunities for employees to directly ask questions and air concerns to the leadership team. While the Philippines is still battling the virus, Globe continues to listen to its employees and provide the necessary assistance to keep them safe, secure, and productive.

Globe strongly supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly UN SDG No. 3 on providing good health and well-being. Globe is committed to upholding the United Nations Global Compact principles and contributing to 10 UN SDGs.

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