Nikki Valdez advises moms to listen to their teenaged daughters

Actress Nikki Valdez believes it is important to nurture a healthy relationship with one’s daughter, and this can be strengthened through moments of bonding with each other.

Valdez shared with fans her recent bonding time with her own daughter Olivia, as seen in her Instagram post yesterday, Nov. 10, where she showed their photo while in the car.

“It’s been quite some time since Olivia and I went out on a date. Since she had her [second] dose today, we decided to go on a mother-daughter bonding after,” Valdez said. It appears that her daughter got a second COVID-19 vaccination shot.

The mom-daughter bonding was “nothing fancy.” They just ate, took a walk, and had a two-hour “heart-to-heart talk about anything under the sun.”

For Valdez, the once-in-a-while date is very important because such moments afford her the chance to know her daughter better.

“To [moms] like me who have teenage daughters, it is good to have this kind of bonding once in a while where you are both away from the day’s demands and free to listen to each other — life’s ups and downs and what your daughter’s struggles are,” she explained. “You’ll be surprised to find out so much more about them.”

Valdez thus advises moms to listen to their children, know what they need, learn to respect their opinions and offer help without making commands.

“Just BE THERE,” she stressed. “Your presence and lending ear is more than enough.” JB


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