The most effective sleep habits that can improve your health and well-being

Sleep plays a big role in appetite control, muscle recovery, and the body’s immune response. You need to get the right amount and quality of sleep so you can move effectively, think clearly, and balance your eating. You spend one-third of your day sleeping to effectively prepare your mind and body for the next day. Always prioritize getting quality sleep. During a normal sleep cycle, different systems in your body work to release and balance the hormones, repair the damaged cells and tissues, and stimulate essential brain functions. 

Here are the most effective strategies that you can do from the moment you wake up until you go to bed  at night so you can  get seven to eight hours of the much needed quality sleep 

Create a good sleep environment and eliminate distractions

Devote time for activities that can help you sleep better

Condition your body throughout the day for a restful sleep

Manage your day to avoid stressful thoughts at night

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