Instead of dieting, focus on these eating guidelines that can improve your over-all health

2022 has just started, but the recent dramatic increase of COVID-19 cases has contributed a lot of challenge and stress to one’s well-being. At this point, instead of looking for the latest diet craze that can jumpstart your weight loss goals (but at the same time, can harm your health), engage in a healthy eating program that can improve your immune system, energy level, and overall health. 

Avoid extreme caloric restriction, intense fasting, nutrient deprivation, and just focus on getting a well-balanced diet that can heal your body. Depriving yourself of the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals can negatively affect your health.

The following guidelines and healthy eating ideas can help improve your overall health and fitness, prevent severe health problems, and help heal your body faster and effectively if ever you are currently experiencing some illness.

Enjoy your breakfast

Give color to your mornings by preparing a delicious and healthy breakfast meal. This habit can empower you as soon as you wake up while setting a positive vibe for the whole family. Vary your breakfast to make the habit more consistent.

Focus on increasing your vegetable intake 

Prioritize vegetables every time you shop for food. You can always order fresh vegetables, even online, two to three times a week. 

Fruits as snacks or desserts instead of sweets

Stay away from processed and sugary foods. Get the natural sugars with fiber, vitamins, and minerals from fruits. 

Try a semi-flexitarian way of eating

As much as possible, prioritize vegetables and healthy grains, but achieve balance with protein and fat intake by including egg, milk, seafood, poultry, and lean meat in your diet. The flexitarian way of eating focuses more on plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, nut milk, beans, and nuts but incorporates occasional meats during the week (a serving or three-ounce of meat top to three times a week). 

Do not avoid healthy carbs

You should not avoid carbs that give you energy and fiber-like brown rice, multi-grain bread, whole wheat pasta. Eating healthy carbs can also prevent you from experiencing extreme hunger pangs and cravings that usually happen in the afternoon or after dinner.

Monitor your water intake

Hydration is super important to be able to function during the day entirely. It helps you avoid sickness and helps heal the body. 

Avoid eating late at night

It is vital to have a satisfying and filling dinner consisting of vegetables, a moderate protein dish, and grains to avoid hunger pangs and cravings at night. 

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