‘Rising with the Filipino’ by Visitacion R. dela Torre (Brown Movement for Cultural Advancement Inc.)

A new book by Visitaction R. dela Torre, one of the country’s seasoned authors, offers a new pair of lenses to view the Filipino. “Rising with the Filipino” features a diverse, multifaceted dimension of the Filipino, in his past, present and future journeys in the making of this nation. Among the essays included in the book’s eight chapters include: “The Filipino Sense of Maganda,” “Engaging the Highly Mobile Class,” “Philippine Politics/Governance,” “Staying Sane When the World Is Falling Apart,” “Clearing-Up Some Pollution,” “The First Woman Contemplative Missionary in the Philippines,” “The Grace of Fatima,” “The City of Santiago de Compostela,” among others. Brown Movement for Cultural Advancement Inc., is a nonprofit organization which aims to preserve, to promote and to enhance the Filipino cultural genius, composed by a group of professionals and cultural advocates.

Tel. 88154938, 88156925; email chitdelatorre19@gmail.com.