Getting back on track: How to workout safely while getting results from your home online workouts

Many people are just starting to get back into exercising regularly after the holiday season or after recovering from any form of sickness. Others might have stopped working out for a long time and are just about to begin again. As of this moment, the safest way to do formal physical activities that can focus on overall fitness is to do home workouts, either doing it by yourself or following online live classes and workout videos.

Before pursuing any online workout at home, don’t forget to consider your overall state. It would be best to survey your exercise environment and give importance to the proper setup of your online devices and exercise props. You also need to know the basic exercise form and execution to avoid injuries.

I’ve already written about the basic guidelines on balancing your Zoom workout classes. It can help you stick to your workout routine and get the fitness results you want to achieve.

Now, let me share the essential things you should consider before, during, and after engaging yourself in any online class. 

Prepare your exercise space at home

Strategically set up your online devices

Don’t skip warm-up and cool-down

Know the basics of exercise breathing and form

Be open to exercise modifications

Wear proper workout clothes and footwear

Communicate with your fitness coach


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