Why jumping rope should be your go-to workout (even post-pandemic)

The best part about working out with jumping ropes is that anyone can literally do it

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Just a little over a month ago, we talked about why jumping rope exercises are an effective cardiovascular workout. Aside from the full-body benefits, one of the best things about this routine is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. 

Over the last two months, there have been a plethora of jumping rope workouts and programs made available online. One local program that started on May 8, 2020 is Jumpfest Ph, a virtual jumping rope challenge open to anyone that aims to encourage people to maintain good health and be consistent with their skipping routine. 

The reason why JumpfestPh founder Oliver Salas is encouraging people to do this activity is that it’s an easy way to stay active while social distancing and staying indoors. Anyone can do it and it won’t cost as much money or require you to buy strength and conditioning equipment.

“I thought of creating a community for jumper wannabes like me who want to learn the basics of jump rope and enjoy doing it at the same time,” says Salas.

True enough, it can be an effective workout if you make it a habit. Experts and enthusiasts recommend skipping rope at least five minutes every day in order to reap the rewards of this high-intensity workout. It’s also one of the best cardio exercises since it can raise your heart rate two to three times faster than other workouts. 

“Jumping ropes is also fun (for some people it brings a lot of childhood memories) and most importantly it provides health benefits,” adds Salas.

While gyms and fitness studios remain closed, it’s crucial to find a workout that suits you during this extraordinarily uncertain and stressful period; after all, exercise is a free way to boost your physical and mental health. A simple workout tool like a jump rope might just be one of the best decisions you can make this year. 

Here’s a 10-minute beginner workout you can try:
