How do you love yourself? You can count the ways like Maxene Magalona

Actress and yoga instructor Maxene Magalona is simply feeling so filled with love that she shared with fans the five ways by which makes sure she loves herself.

Magalona spoke about self love in her Instagram post today, Jan. 30, while showing her “be love” tattoo on her arm.

“How do I love myself? Let me count the ways,” she said in her post, reminiscent of the popular poem “Sonnet 43″ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

First, she practices “self-awareness and self-observation” which she feels “are key steps in getting to know yourself on a deeper level.”

“By meditating daily, my soul becomes a silent observer of my human experience. I see and feel all my thoughts and emotions and process them from an outsider’s point of view. This way, I can discover for myself what attitudes and behaviors I need to change and which ones I should keep moving forward,” she explained.

Second, she invests in herself by “making a promise to stick to a non-negotiable morning routine aka my sadhana (daily spiritual practice) which includes ‘yoga, meditation, prayer, journaling and running.'”

Third, loving herself means eliminating “fear, anxiety, self-doubt, shame and guilt by processing and holding space for my emotions.”

“I acknowledge them, feel them and then let them go. I feel the fear and then remind myself that negative emotions are just part of my human experience which I can choose to let go of because I am pure consciousness,” she said.

Fourth, Magalona works on her inner energy “because as a fully functioning adult,” she knows that she is “100% responsible for the vibrations that I send out into the world.”

She does this by transforming and transmuting negative energy into positive energy everyday.

maxene magalona be love
Image: Instagram/@maxenemagalona

Lastly, she offers herself “love, patience, kindness, gentleness and compassion everyday so that I can sincerely share the same kind of energy to others.”

“I pour love into my soul first which means embracing myself fully and wholeheartedly, flaws and all, so that I can become a better and more loving human being,” she said.

“Love is energy and if you want to give and receive love, you have to BE love. How can you be love if you are full of pain, resentment and hate?” she asked. “How can someone else love you if you are always so negative? How can you love others if you don’t even love yourself?”

Magalona believes that one way to live life to the fullest is to “eliminate all forms of negativity in your life by facing them and then releasing them.”

“Become completely honest with yourself about what you need to change in order to become more loving and compassionate,” she stressed. JB


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