How to get the most of your cardio workouts

There are so many reasons to incorporate cardio exercises into your workout routine. You develop a stronger heart, manage your weight,  improve your overall energy,  improve your immune system, manage your stress, and reduce the risk of other health problems. 

Achieve health and fitness results while maximizing your workouts by realizing the importance of exercise in your life. Knowing the best type of cardio exercise that can work for you, how to do the exercises correctly, and finding out the right time to workout is essential. It’s so you can progress the right way to avoid unfavorable issues such as injuries and other health problems.

Know what type of cardio workouts can work best for you

There are various cardio exercises that you can do depending on your health condition, fitness level, age, gender, preference, and lifestyle. The cardio workouts’ frequency, duration, and intensity can always be adjusted based on your progress and current goals.

Low to moderate intensity sustained or steady-state cardio workouts (at least 30 minutes, five days a week, or a total of 150 minutes per week)

High intensity interval training workout (HIIT) (at least once a week)

Circuit training (at least twice a week)

Always be prepared to do cardio workouts at home

Regardless of time, place, and exercise type, any physical activity that can raise your heart rate to the recommended range based on your condition and goals is beneficial. The best workout that you can do right now is sustainable to achieve your desired results. Choose exercises that are accessible, kind to your body, and enjoyable so you can stay consistent with the habit. 

Here are the best cardio home workouts to try if you can’t do outdoor exercises like walking, running, or other sports and if you don’t have a cardio machine (treadmill, bike, rower, or elliptical machine). These are also best if you have a limited workout space at home. I recommend using a fitness tracker for safety and ensuring that you reach your desired cardio intensity, comparable to what you can achieve if you use a treadmill or run outside.

Do more prominent arm movements to increase your exercise intensity and calorie burn. At the same time, dancing, add light dumbbells (a pair of half-pound two-pound dumbbells) when doing a cardio routine such as boxing or using a pair of light  (half to one pound) wrist weights walking. You can also increase your range of movement when doing lower body exercises such as squats and lunges doing your HIIT or circuit workout.

Consider the best time of exercise that works well for you

One of the best things I have learned and realized in my personalized health coaching course is chronobiology. Timing of exercise is vital to avoid stress in your body to maximize your peak energy during your workout. The best exercise and eating schedule would depend on your health type. I will discuss this in my future articles.

If you are an early bird, get your moderate to intense workouts in the morning and choose light workouts in the afternoon. If you are a night owl, exercise when your energy level is at its peak (afternoon to evening), and your morning workouts should be light to moderate. Pushing yourself to work harder that is incompatible with your genetic makeup and lifestyle can add extra stress to your overall system, especially your heart.

Ensure safety when doing cardio exercises, especially when you are at risk of heart problems

Exercisers with a family history of cardiac diseases, a prior heart attack, and recent cardiac symptoms like chest and difficulty in breathing should consult a medical professional before engaging in an exercise program. However, even fit and active people with undiagnosed heart problems and are experiencing symptoms like heart rhythm abnormalities due to a recent medical condition, fatigue, stress, and lack of sleep should set up an appointment with a doctor. 

If you’ve been recently considered to be at risk of cardiovascular problems, once cleared to exercise, you should always listen to your body and practice the following guidelines:

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!


Email the author at or follow her on Instagram @mitchfelipemendoza