Filipino journalist joins list of Pulitzer awardees for “relentless reporting” on Philippines’ drug war

Reuters political and general news correspondent in Manila, Manuel Mogato is one of the winners of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting for his “relentless reporting” of the ongoing drug war in the country.

The list of 2018 Pulitzer Prize winners was released 3 a.m., Tuesday.

Before getting his Pulitzer award, Mogato went viral after supporters of President Duterte bombarded him with accusations of spreading fake news. This onslaught was brought on by the very thing that got Mogato his Pulitzer, his coverage of the President’s infamous drug war and all the lives it’s cost.

Alongside Mogato for the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting are Reuters’ Claire Baldwin and Andrew R.C. Marshall.  You can read Mogato’s works in

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