Feel-good remedies

Dizzy, bloated or stressed? Here are some natural substances to try

There is always a need to feel good in this stressful world, and simple natural remedies offer welcome relief.

To address unexpected health challenges, consider these remedies that may address the situation. Please remember to see your doctor if these symptoms persist after three days.

Dizziness—Just like diarrhea, dizziness is a symptom of the problem. It is not a condition. Causes are varied, such as low/high blood pressure, anemia, overstressed adrenals, low blood sugar, vitamin B12 deficiency, colds, flu, and emotional stress, reaction to certain medications, and shock from an accident or crisis.

Apple cider vinegar, apple or grape juice, coconut water—Take four ounces of any of these natural health aids diluted with warm water, except for coconut water, which can be taken pure. Your electrolytes are immediately balanced and blood sugar stabilized.

Sage—This aromatic herb, when made into a tea, settles your system and treats nausea. Place a few leaves in a cup of hot water.

Honey/hard candy—Place a small amount of raw wild honey in the mouth and allow it to dissolve slowly. This increases your blood sugar. Or suck on a hard candy.

Cloves—A quick way to offset nausea. Place 1 tbsp of whole cloves or 1 tsp of crushed/powdered cloves for three minutes in a pint of warm water. Strain and drink.

Garlic—Regulates blood pressure and improves circulation. Half a tablespoon of fresh, crushed garlic mixed with honey can be swallowed immediately.

Dates/raisins—Keep some handy for emergencies.

Stress—Considered the mother of all illnesses, stress is probably the cause of most, if not all, lifestyle diseases like heart problems, cancer, diabetes, hypertension. Soothe and calm the body’s inner system.

You need to make time to relax. Consider the following:

Vitamin C—High doses of vitamin C neutralize free radicals inside the body caused by stress. Take fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus, guava, kiwi.

Brisk walking

Peppermint and chamomile—These herbal teas quickly calm the spirit and improve the mood.

Mild exercise—No need for extreme exercise here, just simple strolling and brisk walking.

Slow breathing—You cannot imagine the tremendous benefits immediately felt by slow breathing. I cannot overemphasize it.

Results: You have the option to follow the usual  6-2-6: 6 counts inhale, hold 2 counts, exhale 6 counts—or 5-3-5: 5 counts inhale, hold 3 counts, exhale five.

Follow a regular schedule to relax, like upon waking up, midday and before sleeping.

Bloatedness—This common problem can be caused by over-eating, talking too fast, eating salty foods and constipation, among others. To reduce that bloated feeling, take the following:

Lemongrass—Fresh stalks of lemongrass or tanglad can reduce bloat through its diuretic effect.

Take two fresh stalks, dip in hot water, steep for three minutes then drink up.

Ginger—This powerful medicinal plant relieves gas and stomach pain. If you have been bingeing, a cup of freshly grated ginger tea can give you instant relief.

Grate 1 tbsp of ginger steeped in hot water. You may or may not eat the ginger bits. That’s your option.

Fainting spells—When you feel weak and nauseated, a sudden loss of consciousness can occur. This could be caused by low blood sugar, drugs, pain, accidents, or shock due to emotional stress.

Excessive worrying can also cause hyperventilation.

First aid—Sit with your head between your knees in a folded position. Loosen any tight clothing. Be in a well-ventilated area. Then lie down with the head lower than the feet.

Water—On hot summer days, fainting is caused by dehydration, so drink a glass of water. Consume eight to 10 glasses in a day, or as much as 15 glasses.

Cayenne—To equalize the blood pressure, drink a cayenne tea mix throughout the day.

Peppermint oil—If vomiting occurs after fainting, take five to 10 drops in apple juice or in hot water.

Calming soak bath:

In a tub of hot water, mix freshly crushed lemongrass leaves, 3 tbsp of virgin coconut, almond or olive oil, and ¼ cup of sea salt.

Relax for three to five minutes. Rinse with cool water afterward.

Reference: James Kusick, “A Treasury of Natural First-Aid Remedies from A to Z”

Affirmation of the Day:

“I am unstoppable!”

Love and light!