Confused about fats? Here’s how to manage your fat intake

Dietary fats play a big role in energy, metabolism, and cardiovascular health while giving us fullness and satisfaction when combined with good carbohydrates and proteins. However, too much consumption of fats can cause imbalance and weight gain, which can negatively affect one’s health.

Misconceptions about the fat that can be read in numerous articles and fad diet books can lead to confusion when it comes to achieving healthy and balanced eating. Here are ways how to choose the right type of fats (by knowing what’s healthy and unhealthy), how much to consume (based on the recommended guidelines), and how to incorporate them into your lifestyle so you can achieve your health, weight, and fitness goals.

Choose “good and healthy” fats

First of all, you need to know the difference between good and bad fats. Good fats contribute to improving one’s health such as effectively absorbing the vitamins from foods while lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol (HDL). These are unsaturated fats (liquid at room temperature)–polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are found in oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, and plant-based oils. 

Saturated fats (solid at room temperature) and trans fats (natural and artificial) are unhealthy or bad fats, which should be eaten sparingly to avoid heart problems. Foods high in saturated fats are mostly animal products such as butter, cheese, meat, cake, cream, and milk chocolate. If possible, fully avoid artificial trans fats (hydrogen is added to the oil to = partially hydrogenated fats) found in commercial sweet products, crackers, deep-fried foods, fast-food French fries, and frozen foods because they can attack your health by increasing the cholesterol levels (especially the LDL that can lead to stroke and heart attack.

But excessive consumption of good and/or bad fast can still result in weight gain. Fat contains more than twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates. It is important to know how to manage servings of foods high in fat.

Be aware of the fat content of food and learn how to manage your portions

Food Amount Amount of fat (in grams)
Avocado 1/2 or 100 grams 15
Olive oil 1 tbsp 14
Almonds 1 serving or 22 pieces 14
Walnuts 1 serving 18 pieces 18
Pistachios 1 serving or 49 kernels 13
Chia seeds 2 tbsp 9
Salmon 100 grams 13
Chicken thigh with skin 100 grams 15
Chicken thigh without skin 100 grams 10
85% lean ground beef 100 grams 15
Chicken breast without skin 100 grams 3
Tofu 100 grams 5
Egg 1 large 5
Whole milk 1 glass 8
Cheese One slice 8


Make fat consumption a part of your healthy eating lifestyle 

  1. Avoid the diet mentality. Effective consumption of fats can happen if you balance your eating with the right amount of protein and good carbs. Restricting your body with these important nutrients can be detrimental to your overall health.
  1. Learn and discover how to incorporate healthy fats with protein and healthy carbs into your lifestyle
  1. Dietary fats are very important when it comes to adding flavor to our meals, giving us that great feeling of satisfaction. You can’t avoid the bad fats all the time, especially during special occasions and when eating out, so you can so allow yourself to eat foods with saturated fats every once in a while. However,  always apply portion control and this can only happen if you fill yourself up with healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and good fat. Here are other strategies that you can do to limit unhealthy fats.



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