Keep on going no matter what – Don’t let anything ruin your health goals

You might be feeling emotionally or physically down like there’s no motivation to do anything like sleeping late, spending more time now with social media or watching movies at night, losing that drive to exercise and using food to temporarily make you feel good. However, reverting to unhealthy habits will just worsen the situation. No matter what the causes are and how overwhelming your feelings may be, you should tell yourself that you can always surpass this challenge and move on with your life. Soon enough, everything will be okay again.


Focus on the things that you have control over. Do your best to stay physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally healthy so you can positively influence and give more to others while being a good role model.  It’s hard to give if you are emotionally and physically drained. It all starts from within.


But how can you really motivate yourself to keep going?


Manage your time and be productive

Spending too much time internalizing negativity around you won’t do any good for your mental and physical health because it can seriously affect your sleep, drive to move and exercise. If you can devote two hours of your time to combined social media and watching a TV series, you can definitely spare two hours of your time for more productive activities that can make you feel better. Fill your unproductive hours with activities that can motivate you to make your goals and dreams happen.



Recognize and resolve emotional eating

Be aware of how you are reacting to unfavorable issues – how your problems are affecting you physically and emotionally. Feeling stressed and discouraged about unexpected circumstances that just happened to you can trigger emotional eating, which can lead to health issues. This is when you resort to calorie-rich foods (cookies, cakes, pizza, chips, pastries) for comfort so you can temporarily suppress negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, boredom, and stress. Do not let your negative feelings pull you down. There are effective ways how to deal with this.



Battle laziness

Laziness can increase your sluggishness. Exercise can give you that positive energy you’ve always wanted to have because of the desired positive feelings from the endorphins and knowing that you are doing something good for yourself. But how do you start moving if you are feeling really down right now? Just to move and you will feel definitely better after. Here are some ways on how to make it happen.


-No time and busy? If you can make time to lie down and watch, you can also spend 30 minutes moving.

– Tired today? You will always get tired if you don’t start moving now. You can spend 30 minutes walking, make it fun by being with someone, or calling a friend while you walk.

-Feeling bad? You’ll feel worse if you don’t start doing something good for your health today


Experience your blessings

You have the greatest opportunity to do something great right now because you are in control of your life. Recognize your strengths and contemplate them. A failure or a negative feeling is just a small part of the bigger positive picture. It is time to count and fully experience your blessings.



Email the author at or follow her on Instagram @mitchfelipemendoza