Get up and move: Find a workout you can commit to

Move your body with a purpose
Coach Algie: “Move your body with a purpose.”

How was your first week? Have you set your SMART goal?

Now it’s time to work out! We continue your fitness journey on week 2 by getting up and moving.

Al Green P. Carlos (yes, Coach Algie!) doesn’t want you to just move, he wants you to “move your body with a purpose.”

“Improve the dynamic movements of your body,” he says.

Coach Algie says that the workout he gives his clients usually depends on their age, medical history/condition and their schedule.

“The standard exercise pattern I give them is 10 reps of three exercises for mobility stability, 10 reps of three exercises for core and 10 reps of three to four exercises for main workout plus movement pattern.”

Do mobility and stability exercises and body weight exercises.

Coach Algie suggests the following:

• Pushing

• Pulling

• Walking

• Running

• Hopping

• Jumping

• Squatting

• Lunging

Wake that body up and move!

“Expect soreness after,” says Mel Tiglao, one of Coach Algie’s clients. “If you’ve spent the quarantine sitting, lying down and barely moving except for house chores, exercise will awaken muscles that you haven’t used.”

Find a form of workout that you can commit to, Mel said. Her choice? Weight training.

“I couldn’t sit properly or walk properly the next day,” she says. “I didn’t have equipment yet so my trainer made me do mobility core and body weight exercises like push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, planks and lunges.”

She recommends getting a personal trainer. “There are a lot of fitness trainers who hold classes online. They will help you reach your goals faster.”

If you’re not ready to commit to a trainer, you can begin by following workouts on YouTube or use the Nike Training Club app. There you’ll find a wide variety of workouts to choose from—it’s a good way to figure out what kind of movement you enjoy.

Charyn Lim wants to remind you to get good sleep. “Get enough rest (at least eight hours) to recover fast from your workout, feel energized and help you curb the late-night cravings.”

Meng Manapul-Peret, who is active in Ride Revolution, Bare Manila and Rise Nation, says you should move at least three times this week. “Start the adrenaline, maybe do some running or biking.”

Trainer/coach Luis “Degu” de Guzman says, “Motivation will be high as the body recovers from the first few workouts. Keep that same energy. Consistency will be the focus.”

Get moving and we’ll see you next week.