Tired of weights? Try these glute exercises using only a resistance band

Resistance bands are arguably the most inexpensive and lightweight fitness equipment out there

Art by Dana Calvo 

A resistance band or “booty band” (as fitness enthusiasts like to call it) is arguably the most lightweight, inexpensive, and versatile fitness equipment out there. This handy tool offers plenty of exercise options and spares you the hassle of carrying heavy weights wherever you go. It’s low impact and comes in different “weights” (tensions) suitable for all fitness levels. If you’re wondering how these booty bands can replace regular weight exercises or how they work in general, here are five of the easiest exercises you can do with it: 

Glute bridges

  1. Start by lying face up on the mat with your knees bent, with the resistance band wrapped around your thighs. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart
  2. Engage your core so your back presses against the floor 
  3. Push and lift your feet so they align with your knees and squeeze your glutes
  4. Lower your hips to the floor and go back to your starting position 
Banded Glute Bridge For IT Band Syndrome | San Diego Chiropractic

Ankle jumping jacks

  1. Make sure your resistance bands are around your ankles
  2. Start by standing in quarter-squat position with your hands on your chest
  3. Jump your feet out and in to complete one rep. Make sure you’re in a bent knee position when you land

Banded clam shell

  1. Wrap the band around your thighs and lie on your left side with your hips, knees and ankles on top of each other
  2. Lift your right knee up then lower it gradually to go with your left knee. That’s one rep. Make sure your core is engaged and back is straight while doing this 

Lateral band walk

  1. Start by placing your resistance band around your ankles and in a quarter-squat position 
  2. Take one big step to your right with your right foot. Do this five times then do the same with your left foot 
  3. After, do the reverse direction by starting with your right foot going backwards and then the left foot going backwards
  4. Do this consistently and make sure to alternate directions each time

Squat to lateral leg lift

  1. Make sure your resistance band is above your knees and around your thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and with your hands on your chest
  2. Bend your knees and bring your hips down to a squat
  3. Stand up and lift your right leg out to the right side. Make sure your knee is straight. Then return your right leg to the floor
  4. Bend your knees once again, but this time lift your left leg to the left side. Once you return your left leg down, squat again and do this on your side leg