Why diets don’t work (and what you should do instead)

A recent study surprises many by concluding that diets don’t work

Photo from Unsplash+ in collaboration with Faruk Tokluoğlu

There are simply too many types of dieting paradigms in this world.

One advises you to ditch carbs, another tells you to eat nothing but soup. They may even be in direct contradiction: One might restrict you from consuming meat while another dictates you should only eat meat. Truly, amid all the dieting confusion, it seems easier to lose your mind than unwanted weight.

Then there’s a new voice in the wilderness. “Diets don’t work,” says Dr. Traci Mann in her book “Secrets from the Eating Lab.” In an interview with The Washington Post, the University of Minnesota psychology teacher tells writer Roberto Ferdman that diets are not effective because “biological changes happen in your body (making it) practically impossible to keep the weight off.”

Diets are not effective because “biological changes happen in your body (making it) practically impossible to keep the weight off”

Neurological, psychological, and hormonal effects of dieting can make weight loss actually impossible, she adds. The author instead suggests that people make “simple changes” based on findings from her over 20 years of studying dieting, eating, and obesity. According to her website, her strategies “don’t fight biology or rely on willpower” and “don’t require agonizing self-denial or a single-minded focus on your weight.” Many are, and will surely be, curious.

Does the diet include foods you will enjoy eating for a lifetime? Do you have easy access to these foods? Will purchasing it regularly be okay for your budget?

For decades, diets have become fads and have made millionaires out of professionals who guarantee that they can make you lose weight. The goal is to find an eating lifestyle that benefits your health and well-being. “When it comes to weight loss, there is no shortage of plans,” states medical practice and research center Mayo Clinic. If you are still in search of a diet to love, here are some housekeeping rules to consider:

Consult a nutritionist

A medical expert will likely require you to undergo certain tests to find out more about the state of your body. Particular medical conditions such as diabetes and heart problems will dictate the diet that will benefit you the most. You could already be spending thousands on a food delivery service that social media has deemed “effective”—only to discover your focus should be towards another food group.

Think long-term

Does the diet include foods you will enjoy eating for a lifetime? Do you have easy access to these foods? Will purchasing it regularly be okay for your budget? These are some of the questions the Mayo Clinic asks when considering a diet. It also asserts that your food plan must consider the amount of calories and nutrients you need to help you lose weight safely.

Complement diets with exercise

We have all been told to stand up and move around after meals to help burn faster what we consume. Combining physical activity with eating healthy “is an essential part of a weight-loss program,” says the Mayo Clinic. Being active can mean going to the gym, walking in the park, or even cleaning your house on a regular basis.

Get to know the diet you are choosing

Before you fully embrace long-term changes in the way you eat, research what medical experts and people who have taken the diet have to say about it. Give it a good background check like you would anyone asking you out on a date. It’s a lifetime commitment. Be certain you are making the best choice.