I tried intermittent fasting for a month. Here’s what happened

This Manila-based commercial and editorial photographer’s experience with intermittent fasting might just convince you (or not)

Photos courtesy of RG Medestomas

Many will agree that back in college, money was tight and we had to work our pre-adulting life around it. I remember saving up every single peso that I can for out-of-town trips on the weekends, even if it means skipping breakfast and braving the rush hour home so I can catch mom’s dinner (free!). A number of years later, that habit has a new label—intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is basically fasting for 16 hours and giving yourself a window of  eight hours to eat. After reading articles and hearing positive feedback from friends who embrace this lifestyle, I thought “Why not do it again? I’ve done this before. It will be easy.”

Boy, was I completely wrong. My first few days were the worst. I’m a photographer and I often shoot food, my girlfriend loves to eat, and my home is constantly stocked with snacks. But I stuck to it. One month later, here’s what I observed:

Sharper mind

My assistant and I noticed that we worked faster. I was more organized and I have more creative inputs now than I did before. I guess downing two shots of espresso for breakfast gave me that extra boost of readiness.

Sneaking in a quick purple corn snack
Sneaking in a quick purple corn snack

I did not lose weight, but I got toned

This is probably the result of my new workout program but fasting also helped me reach my goals faster and more efficiently. I wanted toned muscles so I changed my exercise. Instead of lifting heavy weights (but with lesser reps), I switched up by lifting lighter but doing more reps. I kept checking my weight but it stayed the same. I saw cuts, too.

Gaining more energy

Before intermittent fasting, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I walk with my dad from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. and then hit the gym from 7 to 8 a.m. Have my breakfast and then work. Then I take a nap after lunch. Now I don’t feel sluggish. I don’t take naps anymore. And I just want to hit the gym all the time.

Time to insert some tacos into that window
Quality sleep

My sleep quality got better. It kind of helped that I didn’t need to get up and eat breakfast—that means I get to sleep in on slow work days. And we all know better sleep equates to better mood for the day ahead.

Better bowel movement

I used to take apple cider vinegar and honey first thing in the morning for my constipation. But now, I go in and out of the toilet in just a couple of minutes without the hassle.

RG Medestomas

In general, all these diets, eating patterns or whatever you want to call it have different effects on everyone. You have to listen to your body. Intermittent fasting worked for me because it, for a lack of better term, shocked my body into a strict eating schedule.

I’m still observing if my body will adapt or if it will continue to be like this. But my advice is to always hydrate. And just because something works for someone doesn’t mean it will also work for you. So far, this method has helped me with my goals. If all goes well after a month then I’ll reassess and then decide whether to continue with it or not.