5 simple ways to improve poor posture

When it comes to sports and fitness, good posture plays a huge role

Photo by Anete Lusina/Pexels

When it comes to sports, good posture plays a huge role. It helps muscles and joints work more efficiently because it allows the body to consume less energy, which in turn helps prevent fatigue. Good posture also keeps bones aligned so you can use them correctly and prevent injury.

Having the right posture in basketball for example is vital when it comes to executing a proper jump shot. The right form for a jump shot involves proper back, arms, and leg posture the moment you jump to release the ball until you land on the ground. If your posture is improper, there’s a good chance it’ll affect the way you release the ball.

So make it a point to improve your posture. Here are a few tips on how you can do that:

Yoga stretches

There are a number of yoga poses you can do to align your joints. Yoga has the power to improve the flow of synovial fluid (the slippery liquid in joint systems that, along with hyaline cartilage, allows smooth, painless movement of the bones) and strengthen joint-supporting muscles.

The beautiful thing about yoga is that it stretches your whole body from the spine and glutes all the way down to the hips, legs, and back, which, in turn, improves strength, flexibility, and balance.

15 minute MOBILITY Yoga for Posture, Upper Back Pain & Fix Rounded Shoulders

Strength training and good posture

According to a study, strength training improves bone density and structure. This is because strength training involves toning muscles by putting them in contact with resistant force. This type of training helps fix muscle imbalances, relieves pressure on the back, and increases abdominal control and stabilization.

Breathing exercises

Unfortunately, developing bad posture is something we can’t avoid especially when we sit on our desks and look down at our laptops and smartphones for the majority of the day. One of the easiest ways to correct posture and problem areas such as abs, neck, and shoulders is through breathing exercises.

According to Women’s Health, one way to practice this is to look straight ahead while sitting in your best upright and natural pose. Then, breathe in through your nose and breathe out by blowing gently through your lips. Doing this five or six times every hour will keep your body from regularly slumping forward or leaning back.

Wall stretches

Wall stretches help open tight chest muscles in your shoulders and align the rhomboids (the muscles between your shoulder blades and spine). One way to do this is to stand with your back and neck against a flat wall so that your glutes, spine, and head are aligned. Bring your arms up and bend your elbows so your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to form a letter “W.” This can be done three times (one minute each) with 15 seconds of rest in between.

Walk with the right posture

Walking with good posture is an extension of standing with good posture. The key is to pretend like you have a book balanced on your head while walking so you keep your head up and back straight. Take note that your head must be facing upwards and your shoulders kept back. Walking with this posture helps align your neck, knees, feet, and joints, which should help you slowly develop better overall posture.