How to improve your relationship with food

Content warning: This article contains details regarding eating disorders. 

Do you think a lot about food, your body, and your weight? Do you set a lot of extreme rules for yourself when it comes to meal timing and food choices? How many times have you followed and abandoned a popular diet? Studies have shown that the pandemic brought a significant rise in new cases (especially for adolescents) of eating disorders due to the accessibility of food during quarantine, social media, extreme stress, life transitions, exacerbated by social influence, environment, genes, past trauma, history of disordered eating behaviors and other mental issues. 

Disordered eating behaviors such as extreme dieting, following strict eating patterns, avoiding the most important nutrients or food groups and compulsive exercising can lead to diagnosed eating disorders such as anorexia (characterized by significantly low body weight due to intense food restriction), bulimia (characterized by a cycle of binge eating and purging or vomiting) and binge eating (characterized by frequently consuming a large amount of in a short amount of time).

You might be manifesting some behaviors mentioned or even know some people who are dealing with this problem. Prevent the progression of this behavior before it develops into a serious illness by being more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and body through fixing your relationship with food while enjoying the process of lifestyle change to maximize your potential and live longer. 

Consult mental health professionals specializing in eating disorders if the warning signs are becoming more intense and harder to control.

What happens to your body when you have an eating disorder?

Hormonal imbalance

Skipping meals and extreme food restrictions can greatly affect one’s hormones, causing irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, infertility, and extreme stress. In addition, abnormal levels of hunger hormones (responsible for fullness and satiety and preventing overeating) such as ghrelin, leptin, and cholecystokinin as a result of disordered eating can disrupt the balance of the body, which becomes a major trigger in ‘binge’ episodes and feeling hungry all the time.

Low energy

Excessive dieting can affect your energy, productivity, and performance. Eating less than 1,000 calories a day (with or without exercise) won’t be effective in helping you achieve your most important tasks (work, connecting with people, gaining knowledge, accomplishing tasks at work and at home, and improving your health and lifestyle) for the whole day.

Food and weight obsession

Obsession about weight and food stems from habits like food restriction and regularly stepping on the scale. This can lead to diet-binge episodes, making you feel powerless when it comes to controlling eating. 

Low self-esteem

Experiencing the repetitive process of the diet-binge cycle brought about by food deprivation is mentally and emotionally stressful. Also, believing that you lack control and willpower when it comes to eating and/or comparing yourself with others, how they look and what they eat in order to achieve their dream bodies, can negatively affect your emotions and how you perceive yourself (and your body).


How to develop a healthy and happy relationship with food?

Fad diets have implied the great need to follow eating rules, restrict certain food groups, and to avoid types of food to achieve weight loss. But people should be educated more about proper nourishment, how to make eating a more positive experience and how to be more aware of one’s body to achieve long-lasting results in terms of weight and health.

Through the years, I’ve practiced and preached principles (not rules) and ways on how to make each and every eating experience positive, how to enjoy foods and how to honor the body by giving the proper nourishment it needs.

 Enjoy the overall process of eating

 Be mindful of your eating and recognize how your body responds to food

Practice proven nutritional strategies that can break the cycle of overeating

 Appreciate how the food nourishes your body


Avoid dieting and be flexible with your eating


Some people delay their health and fitness goals because they might have the perception that extreme workouts and dieting are the only solutions to weight control.  But in fact, you can start getting results already by applying simple lifestyle change strategies. You don’t need to do fasting, perform high-intensity workouts right away and/or buy the most expensive healthy foods.  You can still continue your usual lifestyle like eating out and socializing because, in reality, you can’t remove these pleasurable activities from your life – you just need to apply small changes for now. You don’t need to exercise daily. Just move, walk, or dance and you will feel better and more alive. You can still go to fast food restaurants when needed, but choose healthier alternatives like grilled instead of deep-fried chicken (or remove the skin) and drink more water than sodas. Start small and everything will follow. 

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