Pia Wurtzbach Has the Best Reaction to That Oscar Best Picture Faux Pas

pia wurtzbach crown

One unforgettable moment of 2017 was instantly made when La La Land was erroneously called as Best Picture instead of the real winner Moonlight. Social media was quick to jump on the blooper with Steve Harvey memes and an analysis of every audience member’s reaction as the mistake unfolded.

One who would know all the #feels over such an incident would be Pia Wurtzbach. The former beauty queen, who duly milked the joke during the recent Miss Universe pageant, was quick to the punchline also. She posted on her Twitter, tagging #Oscars to a clip of her in a commercial where she says, “And if it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody.”


Will this be a trend now? For sure, comedy sketches shall harp on it while it’s funny and it shall go down as a pop culture reference. Scout Magazine already used the term “Wurtzbaching” to refer to the incident. We won’t be surprised if it’ll stick as the mistake helped Pia become a beloved pageant queen and gave birth to many memes.

It also gives fuel to take a jab at Casey Affleck, who won Best Actor despite the allegations of sexual assault and Donald Trump—two decisions we’re hoping were declared wrong.


Photo courtesy of Pia Wurtzbach’s Instagram 

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