How exercise can bring happiness into your life instantly

These are simple events in your life that can make you happy right away. You get motivated to act if there’s an immediate reward such as giving time to clean your house so you can host a dinner to spend time with your loved ones or making efforts to dress up so you have a date night at your favorite restaurant with your husband.

Exercise can also give your body, mind and soul instant and long-term rewards.  You will be amazed on what movement can do to bring happiness to your day. You just need to start with as little as 10 minutes of your day to move so you can experience a whole new way of embracing happiness. 

Don’t worry too much about the pain the you can get from using your muscles. Think positive and be open to changes.  As long as you do everything gradually, safely and moderately, then you will experience the following:

Knowing that you are doing something good for yourself

Giving your self some love by spending a part of your day for movement can make you feel good. Even a short 10-15 minute workout can remind yourself with your commitment to a better health and active lifestyle.

How to create your exercise “me time”

Feeling the effect of happy hormones while you release the stress away

Numerous studies about exercise and happiness show the effects of happy hormones in managing stress, anxiety and depression. Using your energy to punch, jump, kick, push, lift, pull, dance or run can give you an amazing release. I now commit to doing 2-3 short outdoor runs a week to release my stress after a full day of work – the feeling of happiness during and after the run is always indescribable!

How to release the stress away while exercising

Discovering your physical strengths and potential

Exercise can improve your confidence, regardless of your body size and shape. You don’t need to wait for months to see progress. Small improvements like doing more push-up repetitions now can make you happy and can motivate  you to stick to your new lifestyle. Accept your weaknesses. Keep in mind that happiness is realized once you start seeing changes.

How to recognize your strengths

Building your mental toughness

Exercise can help clear your mind from worries and negativities, so you can focus on the more important things in your life such as health, relationships, spirituality and productivity. The discipline and resiliency (ability to face and bounce back from tough challenges in life) you can get from exercise can create positive feelings, knowing that you are more in control of your life.

How to improve mental toughness through exercise

Sharing your feelings with others through movement

Exercise is a fun way to connect with others because  you enjoy your time by doing the things that you really love. You can share something about yourself, your strengths and emotions through movement. 

How to express yourself through exercising with others

Getting the right dose of challenge that can match your abilities

Successfully surpassing a challenge and taking it to the next level can make you happy.  Exercise can give color to your life by stimulating your senses as you conquer a load or task that is just right for the current strengths and skill sets that you have. Then you will be more motivated to improve and excel so you can beat the next challenge. 

How to get a good challenge from exercise

Appreciating your freedom to move so you can live life to the fullest

Realizing that you have the freedom, time, energy and means to improve your health can give you happiness. You can appreciate life more with movement, fully experiencing that you have the physical abilities to so something good for your health and well-being so you can pursue your passion and purpose in life.

How to fully appreciate your freedom to move

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