The new trailer for A24’s ‘High Life’ is unsettling

The cluck was an innocent noise until A24 turned it into an unsettling signal in Ari Aster’s Hereditary. Soon, the “dada” will never be as pure and innocent after you watch the official trailer for A24’s new offering, Claire Denis’ High Life.

In her first English-language film, the French director follows the footsteps of Stanley Kubrick, Christopher Nolan, and maybe even Denis Villanueve in exploring the world beyond ours.

The trailer shows us Robert Pattinson with his kid, who adorably calls him dada. It’s cute and innocent until we see the actress Juliette Binoche, sporting a nurse outfit with unruly long hair. She seduces Robert and things take a creepy, erotic route.

Apparently, the spaceship they’re riding is heading to a blackhole. Robert’s character, a prisoner, is led to believe they’d be freed once they reach the blackhole for a study. The consequences of their stay in the spaceship, however, include sexual experiments with the scientists.

“Needless to say, High Life isn’t your average science-fiction movie. In fact, Denis rejects the genre designation outright, insisting that her latest and most elliptical opus is far too grounded to be lumped in with the likes of Star Wars and Solaris,” reads an article from Indiewire. I guess this will bring nightmares about parenthood like David Lynch’s Eraserhead

The film premiered at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival. It’s set to be released on April 12. Watch the trailer below:

Still from A24’s High Life trailer