Lessons from the ‘School of Life’

Time to commence a new chapter in your life, but a chapter is too short to cover every detail of college life. Try to prepare yourself for what it has to offer: everything bigger, broader, and brighter.

College is a whole new experience after high school. No more familiar faces to greet you, as you’ll be meeting new ones. There’s nothing to be afraid of, though, since all of you are feeling the same way.

College life is quite a journey. It’s assumed that what you’ll be doing in college is what you’ll be doing for the rest of your life. But I beg to differ; the only permanent thing in this world is change. It’s too early to carve it in stone.

One is no longer sheltered when one gets to college. Even learning is no longer confined to the four corners of the classroom. Scary as it sounds, it will develop you into a mature person. It’s this new-found independence that’s important—pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to discover a whole new world.

Typically, some barriers are broken, making you more independent than you’ve ever been. For instance, commuting alone to school gives you the sense of handling your own time, budgeting your money, guarding yourself from strangers, and finding your own way.
New people

In college, you will have various sets of classmates, depending on the subjects, so you’re bound to constantly meet new people. You could share your commonalities and learn from each other’s differences. And talking to different types of people gives you different perspectives. It will make you realize how much you actually don’t know about the world around you.

What I love most is that college will force you to explore not just your surroundings, but yourself. Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?” You’re finding out who you are at this point on, and defining yourself as a person. You’ll find yourself asking constantly: “What is one thing I’d love to do for the rest of your life?” Make use of this time in college to know more about yourself.

This is the best time to learn, experiment, or focus on advancing your skills. Studying things by the book won’t exactly help you land your dream job. Whatever it is––go ahead, build on it. Go for more than what your school is offering.

Rosario Herrera, a fashion stylist, says, “Not knowing shouldn’t stop you, all the more it should urge you to want to learn more.” But knowing a little is also not good enough. It may be better than nothing, yet it won’t bring out the best in you. There’s nothing better than feeding yourself with new knowledge.

Don’t wait for the opportunity to come. Make the opportunity for yourself. Challenge yourself. There’s no guarantee it wouldn’t hurt you along the way, but that’s life! What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. It will always be nice to look back, see how much you’ve developed, and find yourself testing the waters of life.

As for college, there’s nothing to be afraid of. You’re starting with a clean slate. A plate full of opportunities is waiting. It’s up to you to make the most out of everything. Enjoy the journey. Learn and get a taste of life. As Steve Jobs would say when it comes to success and learning, “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”