No Place Like Home in Trava

At the heart of innovation is the desire and the capability to merge what can’t be normally put together. The spirit of this creative unification is a cohesive combination that emphasizes each individual’s distinct characteristics without necessarily overshadowing the other. Modernity often times is treated as nature’s antithesis. Artificial creations in many instances have meant the onset of the disruption in the natural order of things. From floods to increasing temperatures to worsening biodiversity, the relationship between modernity and nature has been the constant conflict of choosing one before the other. That is, till the innovative brilliance of the Greenfield Development Corporation under the Greenfield Deluxe brand resulted in the harmonious fusion of the once bitter opposites. Whereas what is typically modern pollutes and congests, Trava is masterfully done to instead collaborate with its newfound partner. What results is a 33-hectare haven like no other.

Found in the middle of the ever-progressive Greenfield City in Sta. Rosa in Laguna, Trava was carefully crafted from the ground up with a mentality to fit its location. Greenfield Deluxe in collaboration with LV Locsin and Partners chose to build with respect to nature. Trava was built to appropriate itself to its surroundings without ruining the natural life in its vicinity. Treating the landscape as if it were a canvas, structures were made to respect the ground it was put on, and with each stroke came careful consideration to put as little harm as possible on the material being painted on. From this reverence comes beautifully made homes that follow the curve of the land without imposition, making each abode feel seamless and natural to the place itself. Supporting the decision to maintain subtlety, powerlines stayed underground, removing the need for electrical posts and visible wires. Without these cluttering the area, Trava maintains its distinction from the regular suburb.

To be situated in the developing Laguna is to understand the necessity to prepare for the future. To locate a home here is to create one that sustains and protects its owners as they prepare for the best that is yet to come in Sta. Rosa. Trava demonstrates that their innovation exceeds exquisite architecture and considerate planning. The greatest respect that one can show nature in our time is not through integrating our homes with the land, but through directly confronting those harming her. Greenfield’s eco-friendly architecture makes use of locally-sourced materials such as durable engineered wood, glass that helps minimize UV and infrared light, and odorless paint for each model home. 

In another stroke of brilliance, Greenfield Deluxe has managed to integrate inspiration taken from local Filipino architecture such as the Bahay Kubo and the Bahay Na Bato with modern construction techniques. These historical buildings are the standards for perfectly executed ventilation as they were prevalent at a time when the air conditioner or the electric fan was an idea of fiction in a tropical climate country. Thus Trava is set to meet timelessness through memorable architecture that combines the modern with local Filipino tradition, and through functional durability from eco-friendly materials and cost-effective design choices.

Being at home is where you breathe with ease and live comfortably. Trava has visualized the sensation and ascribed it to every portion of each model home, and the village as a whole. Neutral tones are used throughout the property so as to not overwhelm the homeowners or the guests and instead maintain a relaxing ambiance. Open space is also utilized to provide a sense of freedom that allows for room to freely move within a limited area. Greater room is allotted for the garden where the balance between the modern and nature is highlighted by the juxtaposition of the light and sleek properties of the house with the green and earth tones of the outside. Trava was made with added room in mind. Room for you to breathe alongside others.

Outside in the open, you are free to explore everything else that Trava has to offer you with minimal barriers and distractions. With available bicycle lanes, walkways, manicured lawns, and tree-lined roads, your daily walks will be accompanied by a sense of calm that is filled with fresh air and the company of your neighbors. It is the perfect backdrop as you make your way to any of Trava’s facilities and amenities with no trouble. Being at the heart of the growing Greenfield City also means maximum convenience and close proximity to any immediate needs. From shopping centers to schools, hospitals, and key connecting roads, you can go wherever you want whenever you want. A truly comforting home does not separate you from the world around you. It is with Trava that life’s simplest joys can be enjoyed without the burden that daily life in the metro brings. It is with Trava that the select few can experience the balance of nature and modern living in a home like no other.